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Date Posted: 23:40:27 06/04/04 Fri
Author: Firelight
Subject: //fire.hybrid\\
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Fuego Animado †" on 20:54:21 06/04/04 Fri

Oh crap, now there were three of them. Her exhaustion was once more taking over. Gaze shifted from Het Vuur to the now appeared form of dark.shadow on which if lingered and then to the ivory stag. Gods she was in a pickle now, hinds pulled her lean frame backwards once more. Water slipped down her hide with ease washing away the sweat that covered her coat. Banner twitched once crania falling from it's hung positioning. Her movements were not the same easy liquid like grace she held before. As she moved back again silk chocolate covered crania shaken in confusion. Het Vuur stirred something inside her, and dark.shadow was the one she wanted to run to when things went wrong. Jaws was another player thrown in the mix that was that character she was unused to in the Mountains.

"Gods help me.."

She muttered spinning 'pon steel haunches and slamming her frame in an exit. Lithe outline was pushed into the grasp of the shadows that developed as the clouds moved overhead. Nails beat harshly into the turf though she was too tired to be running. She didn't know where she was going to run to but it wasn't going to be here. The face of a Light mare called Tori flashed into her head. Why she didn't know, but it wasn't where they would expect to find her. So she turned that way, branches ripping at her hide as she pushed her body passed it's limit away from the confusing scene.

[Nope she's not but she's REALLY confused and shadow being gone so long left her lonely.. and she does have feelings for Het. So I guess we'll just have to see what develops.. but she's taking a vacation now.]

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