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Date Posted: 21:07:39 06/08/04 Tue
Author: Sati
Subject: .:But not for long:.
In reply to: Devil 's message, "Alive again" on 16:50:02 06/08/04 Tue

Coffee-colored eyes followed the flurry of motion, her sarcastic persona gone and replaced by a detached mask. For all his blustering, Angel, as she called him, had turned and fled after one of her less caustic remarks. That had puzzled her, along with his reappearance. Why run away only to return to what sent you running in the first place? Must be the testosterone screwing with his brain.

Next up came Firelight's stalker, er, I mean, Dark Angel. It seemed no matter where the chestnut mare went, the other was dogging her heels, begging for positions. A derisive snort flared her nostrils. Groveling was so not her style. If it was something she couldn't achieve on merit alone, she didn't need it. No sucking up to royalty from this girl.

With the black stallion back in the 'Greens, a slow smirk spread across her face. Ding ding ding, round two. Batting her long lashes at the Friesian, she couldn't resist tormenting him a bit more. Just a little bit. "Miss me so soon, angel?" she cooed.

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