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Date Posted: 15:13:37 06/08/04 Tue
Author: Firelight
Subject: [ :nothing to say: ]

The dark bay figurine of the slim equine slipped away from the hiding place behind the tall evergreen. Best to leave Insatiable and Devil to fight it out or whatever it came to. Optics ran over the quiet land of the 'Greens. Thoughts tumbled through her head as she stood staring outward. Adrian. What would have happened if she had chosen to follow the path of the bay thoroughbred? Where would she be at this point? She briefly wondered what the stallion was up to right now but dismissed the reflection. 'No you choose this path' she told herself her body automatically shifting to a defiant stance. She never really gave a whole lot of thought to the position she was in now.

'So why dwell on it now!' the cheery thought broke through the haze of her mind. To true, she liked where she was and wouldn't give it up without a fight. Speaking of fighting she wondered where shadow, Het, and jaws left off. Mentally and physically wincing she once more peered about the terrain. She had been stupid and rash but perhaps not entirely wrong. The fact that dark.shadow had been gone for a length of time had been the key factor in her interest in Het Vuur correct? Or was it the feelings that the obsidian stag had made her feel. The flashing anger in his eyes when he had come across Jaws verbally chasing her. Had she been in a better form, as she was now, she would have gladly verbally fought with the ivory steed. Then dark.shadow showed up and in her feverish state it was much to much to handle.

Charcoal coils began to move her form into a steady trot as she wove through the tall foliage. Dagger, another person she hadn't seen in awhile wonder where he went. Charred tendrils rippled about the nape of neck as she drove on. Steel fulcrums picked up a quicker pace as she dodged trees through the woods. She had forgotten the wings she had gained on her quest. The thought of pinions now appeared attached to her lean bodice. Spreading wide the ebony feathers yanked her peds free of the earth and up skyward. She slid through the air over the forests dipping to settle in the clearing where the harem grazed. Settling she opted for a little food herself. Wings pinned to her side shimmered and disappeared. Boa arched dipped her skull towards the turf to tear at the verdant blades below. Mmm.. munchies.

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