Date Posted:21:42:56 06/08/04 Tue Author: Annointed Nothing Subject:Amusing In reply to:
's message, "Dancing with the Devil" on 20:40:54 06/08/04 Tue
♦Insolent whelp, indeed. Luckily for the insanely dense beast, he had not spoken the phrase aloud. To put it nicely, the Devil would have burned. Nares flare, allowing a jet stream of pure air from within. Something about this stag angered him, no words needed. Icy ooids stare a hold through the infidel. Most likely he had never been in a fight, thus explaining why he had never lost. The sheer cockiness of the way the other male held himself, along with the freak of nature eyeballing him was enough to drive the raven one insane with rage. Turning from the Queen Firelight, chiseled pillars carry the frame of the enfuriated virile toward Devil. Halting directly in front of him, face to face, he speaks in a tone that could wake the dead.