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Date Posted: 15:46:54 06/11/04 Fri
Author: Firelight
Subject: x.xforbidden flames
In reply to: DarkAngel 's message, "*Angel of the Darkness*" on 14:15:05 06/11/04 Fri

Dark bay temptress scanned cool optics over the 'Greens from where she stood. Catching the sight of Annointed and Dark Angel a wicked thought pierced her mind as she could vaguely guess the type of meeting between the challenger and challengee. Charred stilts pulled her lithe outline up to stand beside Annointed. Plush muzzle reached out to poke his shoulder. Sculpted auds tipped forward, he would get her game or not. She spoke first looking at Annointed, chasms roved over then to land upon the obsidian mare called DarkAngel.

"'Lo Annointed pleasure seeing you again. DarkAngel I see you've meet my friend Annointed Nothing. Annointed, I do need to speak to you about the Raid, brilliant plan you came up with."

She smiled coyly at the stag before returning her attention on the fem. Thoughts pressed into mind but none spoken aloud yet. Chestnut tiara tossed inky tendrils splayed about her nape. Smooth voice rang out once more.

"But don't mind me, quite sorry for intruding."

Diamond nails began to pull the dark maiden away. She aimed once more to slip into the shadows her brother so loved, she found comfort in. Maybe Annointed would be totally confused, but perhaps not. Oh well, she had fun with it that's all that mattered.

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