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Date Posted: 14:15:05 06/11/04 Fri
Author: DarkAngel
Subject: *Angel of the Darkness*
In reply to: Annointed Nothing 's message, "Breaking Down" on 01:15:45 06/11/04 Fri

*The eve had died away, but the demoness risen from the ashes of the darkness ne'er slept...she couldn't, for her bloodrushed mind wouldn't allow it. nor would she herself. Ofcourse this wasnt stubborness just the way she lived. Years of surviving in leadership on her own, had etched her into the living being that she was. beautiful...though looks could be decieving. In truth DarkAngel was the darkness...an angel though a dark one, waiting for the right moment to reveal the sleeping soul within her...But no she would wait to show her..now was not the time. She knew of the battles and challenges going on around her, watching from cold orbs, remembering each detail as the pieces fell into place. the puzzle was too easy too solve..She came to the dark evergreens, because trust in Infinite Valley was scarcely seen, as was wisdom. She had gained Firelights trust, the queen of these shadowed lands, and had taken the position as protector of the greens...for now atleast. DarkAngel saw it as an opportunity to further explore these lands, and the ones to enter and leave them. It was simply her way of exploring the challenges that awaited her. Ones that may or may not be as the ones before were..oh yes, she had honor in her blood. Her mother was the mistress of the darkness before this time, and her father a god far beyond the vast reaches of these lands, she knew of who she was..one of valor. And would show this some other day..

For now there was a newcomer entering upon the greens. As protector she was the first to lift her skull auds pricking forward slighlty in dull curiousity. Yes, upon first sight one could see he was too cocky for his own good. Did he honestly think he could just barge into the lands and claim his position like a snap of your fingers? ha bubba has another thing coming. Ebon locks fell back lightly against her neck, as she stood, and made little effort to hurry up and get to him. She already knew he wasn't a threat so what was the hurry? Icy orbs cooly looked to him, as a low snort exited itself from her bodess. This boy was amusing..

Hooves traced along on the earth, as she silked through the fading darkness standing before him skull relaxing as she shifted her bodess lightly against a tree, words flowed from her lips. auds slipped forward..she wasnt about to give a speech. rather a brutal welcome.

"lo..My name is DarkAngel..protector of dark evergreens, and friend of Firelight, mistress of these lands...If your here in search of home, welcome. If your here in search of challenge, hello...."

*A slightly morbid smile painted itself across her lips. Well this would surely stop his valiant dance. She had a sense of humor, but this one prancing in like he owned the place, was a rather dull joke.

"Most are asleep at this hour..or on travels. you can gain friendship here just as easily as you can gain enemys..watch where you tread those prancing hooves of yours."

*these were her last words and now she awaited a reply. Like she warned, it was a brutal welcome, though a wise one. If he had hoped of ever claiming a decent position. he had to quit moseying all over the place*

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