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Date Posted: 16:18:55 06/14/04 Mon
Author: Strike3
Subject: <3 captivity <3

<3 The patched femme wanders around the shadowy Evergreen forest. Her delicately-chiseled crania is carried low, nearly low enough to brush the groundcover of dry, crackling brush and browned grasses. The constant shadow cast by ancient trees had turned this section dark and barren all year round. Strike's delicate brow wrinkles as she wanders deeper. She is engulfed by a terrible smell... the smell of rotting plants. It is a smell only present in the most shadowed of places, where the sun once had leave to touch the red earth, but no longer reaches so far. It is the smell of darkness, of unrecognizable vegetable matter that is slippery even in drought. The captive hastily picks her way around the filthy compost, not slowing her gait from a choppy two-beat until she sees light. The vix calms her gait in the mottled light of a cleaner place, continuing to wander.

Strike comes abreast of a deep pool, which is brimming with black water. The pool lies directly in the shadows of a line of trees, not evergreens like those around them, but pleasantly scented cedars. As she considers the misplaced trees, she realizes with a start that they circle the pool in an almost protective manner. How odd. She turns her attentions back to the curious pool, noting that the water did not ripple, though a breeze rustled leaves and needles all around her, and ruffled her mane almost playfully. The pool also lacked a beach or bank of any kind, and in fact appeared as if a shimmering black sheet had been placed upon the ground. Her curiosity takes hold of the petite femme, and she takes the few steps to the edge of the pool without much hesitation.

The painted femme gazes into the pool, unsure as to what may be revealed. At first, she sees only her own reflection. She notes vainly that she is already beginning to lose her sleek figure, rounding out ever so slightly. As she continues to stare, the dark shadows beneath the surface squirm, seeming to build energy. Strike tosses her head back, eyes rolling, as her reflection begins to swirl as a whirlpool, starting at the center of the small pool and radiating outwards with alarming speed. The vix remains rooted to the terra on which she stands, too frightened even to move. As the pool swirls, a new image begins to form within. Strike stares, wide-eyed, as a tale is told before her. <3

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