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Date Posted: 23:51:39 06/19/04 Sat
Author: Mayhem
Subject: This one ->
In reply to: .mayhem. 's message, "[Clemency has been vanquished] -Insatiable-" on 23:50:30 06/19/04 Sat

Evenfall -- the time of day immediately following sunset. Dusk was lethargic and grotesque. The silence seemed languorous and even its peaceful aura was fallacy, for havoc would reap the vicinity of all her tranquility, leaving her internecine and ruinous. His strides were elongated and vile, bringing scabrous hooves to collide and lacerate with the assailable clay, their mutilated screams reverberating through the dense thicket. Cadaverous timbers loomed with a savage nimbus over his path and flora succumbed to his malefic wake. He was the eldritch monstrosity of hatred and enormity and he came with the hellcats of anguish and misery on his heels. His direction was a straight beeline towards a pellucid physique of sable and alabaster, god forbidding anyone who would be in his way, for their hide would be met with deviant cuspids which would slash and lacerate. His stare was unwavering and searing as it crawled over her enticing physique, his voice matching the insouciant but grisly gaze as it “purred” with malefic irony.

Sati. Well met m’dear

T H E . L U S U S . N A T U R A E

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