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Date Posted: 22:02:49 06/16/04 Wed
Author: Sati
Subject: // Do you dare // -Devil, cont.-

A twisted grin wrapped itself around her velvety mug. He was trying so hard not to let her get under her skin. It was amusing, really. She tossed her head, sending varicolored tresses rippling down her neck like waves of silk and mentally prepared for her next assault. This stallion was entirely much fun. Like a jester in a royal court, Sati found herself rather bemused by his act. Bemused but not impressed. She saw through the transparent veil he presented with ease. She could only wonder how much he would take before he turned tail and ran again. It was something she had taken upon herself to find out. What else was there to do in this Godforsaken land?

Feathered appendages swung into motion, carrying the dame's lithe bodice towards the dark male. A gleam of malicious mirth sparked in her gold-flecked eyes, like she knew a joke about the creature before her that she wasn't willing to tell. Sauntering forward, she placed herself directly in Angel's line of vision, rocking back on her haunches and cocking her head.

"Ah, Angel, you came all the way back and that's all the greeting I get?" she queried innocently, coffee-colored visionaries wide. "Keep that up, chere, and I might think you don' like me." she purred, her drawl becoming more pronounced. Allowing her wavy forelock to fall over one eye, she affected a hurt look. "Trust me, angel, that's not a good idea." A steely thread lay in her words, detectable even through her thick accent. She didn't like the obnoxious brute. Something about him rubbed her raw. Therefore, she would be the burr beneath his thin skin. She was bored and he was the only living thing around to irritate. Beggars couldn't be choosers, right? Besides, she had a plan brewing... one she was sure Angel would absolutely love

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