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Date Posted: 22:56:04 07/08/04 Thu
Author: Dark Angel
Subject: *within the reflection*
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*Anger Isn't The Only Emotion*~*" on 22:47:44 07/08/04 Thu

~*~ Dark Angel seemed to be changing completely..her cold blue eyes had turned into starlit orbs. Her smirk had turned to a true smile..and now her heart..was seeming to wake..it was him. She knew it was. but it was also her feelings for him. These dark lands had corrupted her, trapped her from breathing..but now she could..she felt so alive, like she had just been reborn from the ashes of yesterday. Demoness turned her dial slightly and nipped him back sweetly. Ebony frame turned and brushed against his own as she moved her gaze to his own, another smile crossing her features. Dark locks moved over her left eye as she tossed her crown slightly brushing them out of the way then looked directly into his eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what it was that made her turn so pure..She lightly touched her maw to his own letting out a soft silent breath before speaking.
"Desperado..If words could describe this moment..what it means to me..what you mean to me. I would be able to speak forever."
Was this all a dream? she gave off a quiet little laugh. one that seemed like a rose blossoming after the winters snow. after all of the cold that had befallen upon these lands*
"pinch me..im dreaming"~*~

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