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Date Posted: 19:53:31 07/11/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: .]Hells Bells[.
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Zeg Hallo Prachtig †" on 18:16:23 07/10/04 Sat

Grin crept along her jaw line as she watched the charred knight before her. The icy tones in his vocals put a flame to light in her ooids. "I wouldn't have expected anything less." A smirk was placed on her coal lips auds twitching at his remark. She shifted in place at the next remark of the large steed. Usually at this point there would have been a roll of shoulders but one hurt too bad to make this motion. Ivories pressed forward in attempt at a playful nip to the beast's shoulder. Fiery chasms followed his movements sculpted towers moving to capture the sounds he produced. "Well, I started a little fit with Hexie, but he ran off to see his girl. Then when I went to attack him again got side-swiped by Roxie an Exodus member. So yes, tons of fun. I did get to nice scratches down her side for payback."

Brow raised at his comment crania shaken as she faced him. Forelimb reached out to tap the soil before she stepped closer to his form. "Oh no no.." she replied her voice low and husky orbs focusing on his own. "I can quite protect myself" Sultry vocals whispered out, caught up in the moment. Ebonite plume played at her hocks as she blew gently from her muzzle. A respondent sound almost came from her muzzle at his call but she forced herself remain silent. Though her crafty eyes never left the silhouette of the stallion. She wasn't sure what to do. She knew dark.shadow was around and would have to go to him and find out her feelings. Bah, emotions were such a burden she liked living for the moment. But he had remained true to her. Nail pawed at the undergrowth as another soft snort echoed from her coral lined nasal cavities.

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