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Date Posted: 20:37:18 07/17/04 Sat
Author: Gingerbread
Subject: Ginger Doesn't Have All Her Cookies...
In reply to: Amadeus 's message, "- ave verum corpus -" on 18:41:06 07/13/04 Tue

The sobs of an equine was heard at the same time as four galloping hooves thundered about. She slowly halted and the banshee of Dagger's younger age appeared to pay her respects and maybe join the brute in the quest he'd made for happiness. Her pearls had been a posionous hue since her thorns had been told Dagger had deceased. It looked like he'd parted in pain from the inside, not physical. Deep down she always knew he would either go this way or in battle. A long life was not meant for this demon, so it seemed. Her orbs closed tightly as her heart stopped beating for a moment. She tried to hold her breath and keep her heart from beating, but it seemed she would be here for a while...whether her soul liked it or not. Tears dropped on the ebon body of the equine she'd known so well and had actually grown very, very fond of. Saddly she'd never had the guts to leave Ex or tell Dagger...funny how things work out.

Her dial dropped as she nudged the stallion, after another horse was done with his respects. "I'm pathetic Dagger...never even had it in me to tell you I loved you..." With the flicka's last words she removed her maw from the still warm dial of Dagger and knew she would be in bad shape afterwards. Her crane was lower than all the other horses, even though her stature of acceptance was the same...except firelight. She saddly lifted one leg after another in order to get back to Shadow Vale. Her home and maybe last destination.

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