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Date Posted: 17:55:38 07/06/04 Tue
Author: Desperado's Soul
Subject: *~*MY Anger Consumes*~*

*~*the golden stud paced about an unexplainable rage filling him. He was bored and restless. He was angry and he detested the exodus for taking Dagger and he was angry at dagger for abandoning his land. He had considered him an ally now he was going with those ego inflated colts parading around like they were god's gift to the equus species. He let out a low scream and reared up landing harshly on the ground. He looked at a fallen log and sent hius back flints crashing into it. He took a breath and looked about he usually didnn't lose his cool but his energy had nothing else to vent upon. It had built up until it combusted. After the log was no more than wood chip the stud walked away and pawed at the ground anxiously. He hadn't met anyone besides Dagger and Dark ANgel both of whom he rarewly saw. Desperado looked about in frustration his muscles clenching tightly forming cramps that oddly enough comforted the stud*~*

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