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Subject: Sighs sadly as she rode by the house on Dreams.

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Date Posted: 15:45:49 02/04/03 Tue

Climbed down and peeked into the house. Where was Emily? She felt like she was in some horror movie where the people vanished one by one. Searched the rooms but found no trace of her. Sighs, feeling hurt. Shales away the feeling and starts to pack things into her back pack and saddle bag: a map, compass, water, food, matches, flare, change of clothes, a book, mom's diary and her journal, and other things she needed. Lifts her load onto her back and scribbles down a note to ther others. Like they care. And left it on the counter. She locked the door behind her, knowing everyone had a key, then packed Dreams up and swing up onto her. Stares at the house for a minute or two then heads for the woods.

The note read:
Hey guys.
I don't know where you are but I got cabin fever and had to get out for awhile.
If you want you can catch up with me in the woods.
I'll be back tommorow or the next day or whenever. I really miss you all. We need to get together sometime.
Take care of things. Horses, cat, house, and such.
God bless!



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