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Subject: Moans in pain.

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Date Posted: 18:14:08 02/11/03 Tue

Lays a few yards from the house, shivering in pain. She knew she had to get help somehow. Her head started to bleed again. Her whole body ached with every move she made. "Help..." She whimpered as she reached the door and collasped on the steps. She knew no one was in the house. Help was miles away. Her body started to go into shock. Her left arm was broke in a few places. She crys then quickly composes herself. This was no time to panic. She crawled toward her car and slumped against the seat. She looked in the mirror and the image scared her. Her amber hair was sticking out every which away and was caked in blood and mud. Her face had patches of diffent colors from bruising. Her left arm started to turn blue. Eyes were large and blank. She flipped up the mirror and looked around. Key... where is the key! Searches with her good arm and found a spare under the seat. She started the car and hoped she could drive to the hospitial with one arm. Turned up the music so she couldn't hear herself moan in pain and drove away slowly. She cried. Pained from inguries and the fact that no one was around to help her. Her friends had abdaned her.

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