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Subject: Barbados and Jamaice should hold referenda | |
Author: David (Australia) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 10:30:22 01/28/05 Fri In reply to: breaking news... 's message, "Barbados and Jamaica govt plan to become republics" on 18:51:56 01/26/05 Wed I hope this doesn't happen and that the respective governments at least hold referenda. To the best of my knowledge, the Queen is well liked in the Carribean (although the same could proabably be said about many republics within the Commonwealth). I think there is at least some hope that the people of these great countries will reject a move towards a republic if given the choice, as we did in Australia. All these moves are about is giving politicians more power and less accountability. There are no dictatorships or one-party states with the Queen as Head of state yet many Commonwealth countries which have followed the republican path have become basket cases. I hope for the sake of Commonwealth unity and the future of these wonderful countries that the Monarchy can be retained. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |