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Date Posted: 03:35:22 12/08/24 Sun
Author: Alburhani
Subject: A couple of questions

I have figured out something for me that I wanted to verify and share. and also want to ask about some other things.
1. 55+59
My old wedges were 56 and 60 but I think it’s about the lie angle and the bounce. I had cleaveland wedges. I used to lower my hand pretty much when I was hitting a high flip or chip or getting out of the sand. But I tried that a lot with the Blackstone it didn’t work. First when I stood more upright like my normal shots and trusted my eyes I was again able to hit high flops and get out from sandeaily. So I think you should not lower your hand much with these clubs because they have 63° lie so they are pretty upright. You will definitely hit the heel or the toe when you lower your hand. Is my observation correct? What’s your experience?
2. Driver.
I love the blackhorse. And I swing it regularly above 105 mph but some how I always felt it’s too light to get the bunch I want. I get on the simulator regularly hit total 260 —280 yards. But couldn’t get further. Then I sarted to experiment with led Tabe to add weight to the club head. I have now one piece almost on the middle of the club head and two on the heal to shut the club early. I feel the difference in the weight and some how I was able to hit 109 mph on the simulator and got a couple of hits for the first time around 290y total. I am still experimenting. Do you have advices? To be honest I love the weight I feel with 3 wood steel shaft so much that I wish I had the same feeling in my driver like that. Maybe that was the old one that you’re talking here about it in the older days. I don’t know. I am still experimenting. But a question is David, would you consider having a shaft like the 3w wood in the Driver to add power and speed. I mean. I hit my 3 wood easily now 245 255 carry. I think if I had similar specifications in my driver the 300+ will not be a dream anymore.
What do you think?

Another question. I have more than one friend now here in Egypt that are astonished by my clubs and my level with them ( literally guys I was struggling weeks ago to just break 100 and stay around 95. And last two weeks I hit 85 and 82 for the first time of my short golf live ( 3 years)
That’s amazing). Any way. They all want the clubs. And I was thinking about giving one of them the Blackstone and get my Self the Regal gold. But I was sad not to find a 59 ° in gold. Why is that? And would I get the same performance with the Regal irons like the Blackstone or not? Any experience here?

At the end. Thank you David for your advice about how should I train with my 19° it’s much easier now. I hit that thing easily 200 + yards with a nice and easy swing I turn heads on the range 😂.
A lot of questions but I think we all live this here. Thanks again

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[> Re: A couple of questions -- David Lake, 14:36:02 12/08/24 Sun

1. You are correct about the wedges. In fact, I posted a video to our YouTube channel explaining the same thing.

2. If adding weight to your driver suits you then, by all means, do that. However, the vast majority of golfers prefer the lighter weight.

The Regal irons provide the same ball striking performance as the Blackstone irons. The main difference is that the Blackstones provide excellent clubface alignment at address. We do not make a 59º wedges for the Regal irons; however, you can certainly substitute the Blackstone 59º.

David Lake

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[> Re: A couple of questions -- Todd, 18:44:19 03/01/25 Sat

You really don’t need to do anything with the driver other than practice. Once you figure out the correct tee height for your swing (it’s probably lower than you think it is) and start hitting the sweet spot consistently the ball will take off. I consistently hit it 320-325 in the middle of the fairway. I do have the occasional miss hit but far fewer than before. Now if I could learn to read a green.

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