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Subject: It's Back YAY-oh and:TREE CLIMBING

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Date Posted: 08:25:31 06/01/06 Thu

Hey everybody, Rugbark I hope you don't mind me making the first post, but we have to do something fun! I just spotted an oak tree in Mossflower woods thats like a bajillion feet tall! Lets go climb it and see where we could put a fort. *Pinetail runs out of the main gate with some ropes*

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YAY! Let's go climb a tree! (NT)Rugbark14:50:03 06/02/06 Fri
*A little, red squirrel trotts after Pinetail as best he cam while trying to manage a large coil of rope.* Wait fer I! 'M comin' too! (NT)Nathan Whistlewind Beechleep06:30:17 06/06/06 Tue
**Bushytail runs after Rugbark.She stops though when she sees Nathan.**Do want some help with that rope? (NT)Bushytail Clumsypaw Squirrellygel17:57:57 06/07/06 Wed
Er, no... I got it. *The statment was brave but untrue. He Heaves the coil back on his shoulder with a grunt.* So, where's this tree? (NT)Nathan Whistlewind Beechleep06:15:39 06/08/06 Thu
I don't really know.I'm just following Rugbark.**The tall, almost thirteen season old squirrel rolls her blue-grey eyes at Nathan's bravado.** (NT)Bushytail Clumsypaw Squirrellygel13:56:39 06/08/06 Thu
*Ringe bounds after them, shooting across the fields and woods until he has caught up* Wait fo' me y'guys! I wanna help build th'fort! I be th'best fort builder there be! *Ringe leaps up onto a large rock and swings his wooden spoon around, face serious. Of course, the show-offy infant loses his balance and tumbles off of the rock into a patch of soft leaves* (NT)Ringe18:34:06 06/08/06 Thu
'Ey Ringe. I dunno where I'm goin either. I'M just followin pinetail. (NT)Rugbark19:42:27 06/09/06 Fri
*pinetail has secretly hid from everybeast and lies in wait as ringe and rugbark come walking by* BOO! the tree is right here! *He points to a humongous oak right in front of them* (NT)Pinetail23:22:52 06/09/06 Fri
*Nathan is too busy gaping to jump at Pinetail’s sudden appearance. His head tilts farther and farther back as the tree soars above his head. He drops the rope with a thud and a rustle of leaves and stares in slack jawed silence.* (NT)Nathan Whistlewind Beechleep06:39:53 06/12/06 Mon
*Pinetail smiles at Nathan* Told ya it was pretty big. Now what are we waiting for! Lets go up and find a good ole' place to make our fort! *Pinetail starts climbing up the tree* (NT)Pinetail11:16:24 06/25/06 Sun
BUMP (NT)Pinetail23:25:48 06/28/06 Wed
*Nathan Comes out of his stupor and nods.* Aye *He ties the end of the rope to his tail and begins scuttling up the tree. In a worried voice he calls to Pinetail.*Er… how ‘igh is the fort gonna to be? (NT)Nathan Whistlewind Beechleep13:32:10 07/19/06 Wed
As hi up as you feel confortable matey. If yer afraid of heights we can build it in the middle. (NT)Pinetail (happy)13:20:24 07/23/06 Sun

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