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Subject: Let's make a treehouse!

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Date Posted: 07:50:08 07/01/06 Sat

(Sorry I've been inactive).

There used to be tons of treehouses when the treehouse was active so let's build one!

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Alright. Have you selected a tree yet? (NT)Pinetail17:47:37 07/02/06 Sun
Bump (NT)Pinetail15:06:39 07/03/06 Mon
*points to a big tree* That one. It looks like a good one. (NT)Rugbark11:29:58 07/07/06 Fri
Alright! *pinetail grins* Hey lets go get the ropes and planks from the garden shed! *Pinetail starts running to the shed* (NT)Pinetail19:15:04 07/07/06 Fri
Rugbark follows him to the shed waiting to get the tools "alright!" (BTW, do you have AIM or YIM Pinetail?) (NT)Rugbark19:14:24 07/08/06 Sat
*Pinetail looks around, and spots some planks and nails* Those will do nicely! OOC: yes my aim name is: theuberpeanut. (NT)pinetail01:23:21 07/09/06 Sun
*looks at the planks and nails* "Do ya know how to build annythin? I'm not so good at it! *picks up some planks and nails* (OOC: My AIM is Rugbarkmstrthief) ((No A or E in master sice their was no room)) (NT)Rugbark10:33:55 07/09/06 Sun
Hmm i did once build a boat at the pond.. maybe we can make a tree house that looks like a boat! *Pinetail smiles at his idea* (NT)pinetail16:04:19 07/09/06 Sun
A treehouse that looks like a boat would be cool! But I dunno how to make a treehouse OR a boat....or a treehouse shaped boat, or a boat shaped treehouse. (NT)Rugbark19:52:13 07/09/06 Sun
Well its very simple. First we make the hull, which will be the base. and if there are any branches in the way we will build around them cause we dont wanna hurt the poor old tree. next we make the deck, and fill in the inside. Lets start with the hull. *Pinetail find a large cart and starts to fill it with blanks, beams, nails, and tools* (NT)pinetail13:53:30 07/10/06 Mon
Rugbark listens to everything pinetail says and then says "Um....what's a hull, a base, and a deck?" (NT)Rugbark17:59:52 07/10/06 Mon
*Pinetail sighs, then smiles* Mate, just put the boards where I tell ya to. (NT)pinetail19:23:04 07/10/06 Mon
Rugbark smiles "That I can do!" He awaits orders (NT)Rugbark19:49:21 07/10/06 Mon
Alright! *Looks over and sees another big cart* Grab that cart and put as many boards and nails in it as you can. (NT)Pinetail01:07:06 07/11/06 Tue
Alright! *Looks over and sees another big cart* Grab that cart and put as many boards and nails in it as you can. (NT)Pinetail01:07:44 07/11/06 Tue
Rugbark takes the cart and begins to put tons of boards and nails in it. (NT)Rugbark (The Masterthief)20:19:48 07/11/06 Tue
Pinetail loads his cart so full that some boards fall out and hit his paw* Owowowow! Oh acorns, that hurt. I guess we will be limping to the tree. *Pinetail reloads his cart and begins limping with it towards the tree* (NT)Pinetail (Hurting)18:54:00 07/12/06 Wed
ooh you okay? *Rugbark pushes his cart* (NT)Rugbark19:27:36 07/12/06 Wed
Well lets see I dont know if I can climb up the tree for a bit... *Pinetail frowns, but then smiles as he sees a large branch* Hey mate, would you take those boards and nails up there? (NT)Pinetail01:59:07 07/16/06 Sun
Sure! I CAN climb trees. *Rugbark takes the boards and nails up onto the branch* (NT)Rugbark07:10:10 07/16/06 Sun
All right now attach this rope to that big branch right above your head. *Pinetail ties a large rock to the rope and throws it up to Rugbark.* Careful matey, don't get hit! (NT)Pinetail21:44:08 07/24/06 Mon
Rugbark catches the rope and ties it to the branch "KAY!" (NT)Rugbark19:08:48 08/08/06 Tue

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