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Subject: ...off we go, into the wild blue yonder...

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Date Posted: 06:41:40 08/08/03 Fri
In reply to: Belle 's message, "~*~Free at Last~*~" on 19:46:01 08/07/03 Thu

~a playful grin toyed on his features as she came back with the grand announcement. that was the easy part, yes, being happy and worry-free. but it didn't come without a price. figuring that he had been to almost all the territories as a young explorer, he had assumed that the exuberant filly would choose for them which new place to travel to. but, well, she'd asked him...~

Well, that's your decision, Belle. You're the one that's never been to some of these places. Take your pick.

~he gazed tranquilly with his giant, liquidy eyes. after all, it was the right thing to do. as much as he did not want to go to Sun Kissed Beach, there was nothing he could say bad about it, since it had once cured him of his vision. he also knew that she had once lived at Hopeful Valley, and that he had as well. best chance on new adventures, but it was her choice. he had relinquished the deciding factor unless it came for him to make the darned decision. at least mystery had her thoughts in order--not having to think about owning the tt or anything. bravo. (player slaps C on the hindquarters, "Cheer up you old grump!")

with a start, the stallion perks up a bit, ears flicking forward attentively, tail lifting ever so slightly. picking up his feet in a sure-footed, two-beat cadence, the steed set out, eager to be out of the hideout and off to somewhere new~

Belle, our journey is in your han-er, hooves, now!

((ooc: not SKB 'cuz of Cammy's poor memories, please *begs*))

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OOmpah (forgotted sumthin':)C-Ya Later!07:29:53 08/08/03 Fri

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