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Subject: ...when the going gets tough, I'm outta there...

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Date Posted: 14:58:40 09/04/03 Thu

...how is it that war can wreak havoc upon everything, yet allow things to prosper. it seems to resemble a forest fire; some tortoises rely on these fires to enable the sprouts they eat to regrow from the ashes. if the sprouts grow too large, then the tortoise starves. the evils rely on the lights to feed their ego, and when it dwindles down too much, they starve until they war again. so, how does this apply to C? easily.

having moved to Frozen Lake with his dear friend Belle, it was easy to discover they had no taste for him (having ignored him entirely despite his many attempts at friendliness). when the war transferred over to the tt, why, there were no roots, no connections to hold him there! no, indeed he was not running away from danger, hmph, silly idea that one is. unbeknownst to many, his abilities to fight stretched far and wide, mastered during his hiatus from the lands of CM. (actually, I played at the 5th Element (advanced fighting RPG) with my favorite mare, Moira, hence the skills (which I personally believe to be quite good). the thing was, there was nobody to protect. Belle had disappeared while in her trance (hopefully she'd recover and follow his footprints in the snow), the inhabitants ignored him, there were too few evils to beat up anyway, and he missed all of his favorite locations within the Hideout much too much. what a pity.

it appeared that the weather was taking a turn for the worse as a harsh gale flitted through like a herd of elephants zooming by, bending trees to almost a snapping point. the skies wrenched into a steel gray sheet and rain was evident in the horizon. figures; his mood reflected the weather as well. how utterly dispicable his absence(school) was becoming. his existence might as well vanish as he hardly participates. well, at least he might wait here, eyes peeled for anybody requesting protection, a challenge, or a familiar face...

((ooc: yup, school is a bummer. might be slightly inactive, but only to the point of every other day until weekends;))

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~*~Home Again~*~Belle16:19:24 09/04/03 Thu

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