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Subject: *Don't Let Size Full You*

Lil' Mist
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Date Posted: 23:42:14 12/11/03 Thu
In reply to: Sunny 's message, "~*~I Can Be The Acrobat, C Can Be The Clow, Misty Can Be The Tight-Rope Walker, And Belle Can Be The Ringleader!~*~" on 19:05:26 12/11/03 Thu

*Looking from one to the other she'd been lost in thought over her closest confidante, but at Belle's words and then Sunny's she blinked, coming back to reality with a near start. Smiling sweetly as was accustomed the young femmora dipped her dial slightly in agreement* 'That seems like Goldie alright...last time I'd heard and seen from her she had a stallion falling head over heels for her.' *Smiles* 'Cute from what I saw...' *Just commenting was all, looking at Belle as Sunny spoke of her appearance she nodded* 'Tell me about it, I freaked the first time I saw her...wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not...seems dreams do come true after all.' *Turning suddenly as if not to exclude C she nipped his lobe slightly yet again* 'Cat still got yer tongue there sir?' *Winks*

(C's player won't be on...as much due to school ect. But she shall try her hardest to be on)

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~*~I'm in Charge!~*~Belle13:21:09 12/12/03 Fri

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