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Subject: San Fran and any other goodies

of 90---after June 30th
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Date Posted: 20:17:40 01/18/03 Sat

the selling pressure might be the strongest from those who have taken the notes then exchanged them by ratio of 90---after June 30th--for this reason according to a phone convo between Lost and the ATO--they are saying the gain you make on the whole deal is taxable at your marginal rate--so many people may like to wait after June 30th--also if you sell now you miss out on San Fran and any other goodies that come along between now and next June 30th--ie your in a double the money situation now--but if your really greedy---by waiting for the stuff above you would get more--and then ofcourse if you didn't sell the whole kit and kaboodle till after June 30th 02---you would defer your tax for another year. The selling pressure we have experienced so far is in relation to those noteholders that said no to the restructuring proposal--this is a fresh lot of noteholders.
The new who have bought (just a correction) (around 1.5 mill traded since the 28/11/02)--with a big day occuring on the 29th--over 400k which translates into 36 mill odd--the high was 7.20--translating into a share price for ERG of 8c the low was 6.02--translating into a 6.68c share price---would have bought not I think from any institutions for those that didn't accept the restructing propsal have sold on the market over the last couple of months--I would think the new ERGG shareholders have bought them off just whoever--I would be unsure of their timespan --re investment horizon---though I would think they'd want to keep to at least Sydney--and the tax maters brought to attention.

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Subject Author Date
Re: San Fran and any other goodiesSan Fran and any other goodies18:32:32 06/19/03 Thu
Re: San Fran and any other goodiesSelling pressure post June 30th18:27:28 07/09/03 Wed

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