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Subject: between the devil and the deep blue sea, kid tested, the franchise, object a give a fan friendly show at pats 10/12/02

lou m
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Date Posted: 13:22:38 10/14/02 Mon
In reply to: Forum Admin 's message, "Your comments or reviews of recent shows are needed." on 12:12:09 10/14/02 Mon

what a great night of music!
it started at 10:30 with BDDBS short but effective 20min set. mikeys compared BDDBS as a indie-sabbath and that is fair but i heard a little ohio metal as well,*tool*. which may not be fair. i'm glad i got to see them.
kid tested went on second. i spent most of the set trying to figure out how to get shawns flash to fire, he lent me his ole minolta to get some shots of their gig. i finally scrapped the flash and attempted to get some slow shutter shots instead, i hope he ends up with a couple alright ones.
the most anticapted set for me that night was the franchise whom put on great show. everyone seemed to have a defined role in the band. it is probably the first time i heard a billy joel cover at a punk show when paul sang "it's still rock and roll to me.."
for a first show the band sounded really tight.
as i was going through the many photos i shot that night i couldn't help but notice everyone watching this band had a big grin on their face. perhaps not a scientific poll but telling none the less.
object a went on last. not sure how to describe this rock band with a sax but morphine (the band) comes to mind. if that is not big enough endorsement then i'm not sure what would.
to all who participated this night i would like to say thanks.
the photos i shot are here.

lou m

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[> [> Subject: thank you to lou

small object a
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Date Posted: 20:03:49 10/19/02 Sat

hey lou, just wanted to say that the photo gallery is great. i'm glad you enjoyed the show, keep up the good work.

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