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Welcome to my realm. Here I will post my opionons as well as my reasons on certain subjects. Occasionally I'll go into a history or two of my wolves and their sibs. Please respect that we all have our opionons and dont post trash on what I write. I dont mind an occasional opionion posted to what I have already said but pleeeeeeeeeease no insults or trash throwing. Thank you! ^.^;;

Subject: SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS - lexicon about sex boost herbs and herbal sex products

Jimmy Garder
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Date Posted: 08:09:40 07/03/17 Mon

To read about about after-birth abortion, the radical feminazi idea of child murder or self-servant purposes, abduction of children by the government, the zika virus and the zika disease, about tips to get rid of acne, about about how to avoid consuming too much fat sugar and salt, please scroll down.


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After-birth abortion - a fine name for legalixed murder or children

Radical facists have begun advocating legalization of murder of children that the parents or the society does not want to keep, and call it with the fine term "after birth abortion".

This is of cource morally unacceptable by itself, but it also easily opens up to further acceptance of lagalized murder of any individual that does not fit with the standards of some authority responsible for the individual.

This agenda shows how morally corrupt certain radical activists and feminists have become. These radicals are not necessarily the same as socialists. Most of them come from the middle class or well to do families, and are eager to defend the properties and privelages of thir own class. More often they are elitists that want a society ruled by a wealthy and powerful elite and the majory being degraded to cattle usable as slaves and in any other way for this elite.

But they try to make people from other classes that they regard as cattle to support their movement an not a few are lured into their snares.

Be sure this activism is orcastrated and led by some even higher elite organization hiding in the background, and the activists themself probably are not aware that they are used for some shielded purposes by this even higher and more wealthy elite.

The nest logical step would be termination of children decided by the government and of adults not conforming to the standard of society..

One gided purpose of cource is to get organs and tissue for sale and for research. Another purpose is population controle. Still another purpose is to get a totally obedient population by letting only those individuals that look, function and behave in the politically correct manner grow up.

Under such a regime, not only people with an obvious mental or physical handicap, or with a malignant social bahavior will be culled from the population, but also higly intelligent or otherwise gifted children or adults that the elite will tend to regard as potential rivals are in danger.

One must recognize these activists for what they are, namely a self-serving elite, that are lead and themselves manipulated by an ever higher and clandestine self-serving elite with eval intentions.

They must get no support and they must be circumvented at any occation they may cross your road.

By Knut Holt

For interesting information about helth, fitness and sexuality, please see



Alien Abduction or Perhaps Rather Abduction of People by The Government?

By Knut Holt


The stories of people, and especially of children and teens, being abducted by aliens in UFOs are so consistant that they essentially are true, but who are really the abductors?

You all perhaps know about the stories of people, and especially children and teens, being abducted by aliens in flying vehicles called UFOs, and then examined and experimented with.

It is reason to be scheptical about the alien scenario, but these stories are so consistent that one must conclude that they essentially tell the truth. But if these things really happen, but not by alien visitors, some earthly instances must be the abductors. Here is an alternative explanation:

Governments in several countries have several projects, where they first give persons deep anesthesia and then abduct or take hold of the individuals in order to do secret examinations and experiments on the individual. The anesthesia can be lured into the individual without him or her knowing about it, or the government utilizes occations where the individual is anesthetized for a standard minor procedure. It seems that they do this especially with children and teens.

The purpose seems to do a general surveillance of the population, to perform scientific investigation that the individuals would not allow otherwise or to tag the person with electronic chips that makes it possible to continually surveile the person's whereabouts and actions.

Even though one tries to hinder the child from remembering anything, this objective is nearly impossible totally, and the child will often come to believe that he has been abducted by aliens in UFOs, when pieces of memory stuff pop up again.

Abducting children to surveil them and experiment upon them is probably an old tradition by the authorities. In older times the church was the leading authority, and then such abductions was done by this institution. Eventually medical institutions, especially psychiatric research units, and secret services took over the tradition, but at all times all these institutions have used state of the art technology and also avatgardistic technology for the purpose.


One method is to follow people, and especially children and teens with drones. They then let the drone approach the perrson, and make the drone illuminate him with light patterns, sound patterns or electromagnetic radiation with a paralyzing effect. Then they approach him with a big van, and lead him into the van, or one uses a helicopter. One possible also uses some kind of alternative and secret VTOL aircraft that is even more UFO-like than a helicopter.

The person is immediately given medication to keep him sedated and to hinder him from remembering what is done. The experimentation can then be performed in the van or the areal vehicle, or one drives him to some sort of center where the procedures tkes place. In both cases the ordeal happens in advanced medical surroundings, just like a surgery theater.

Use of drones and areal vehicles is the technically avantgardistic way of bringing in the child. Most often, the authorities prefere using the oportunity when the person is scheduled for some minor medical procedure under sedation or general anesthesia, especially procedures at the upper body like dental work, eartube insertion or removal, tonsil or adenoid surgery or ear surgery. In these cases it is easy and plenty of time to take specomens from the head, and the lover body is free to be inspected in all thinkable ways.

Before such procedures one generallay asks the person or his parents parents thay he is is only lightly clothed. Often he afterwards will wake up naked under a blanket, even after very minor procedures like eartube affairs, or he detects that the clothes at the lover body has been loosened, taken off and set back again in another way than before the procedure, a very commen experience after dental work.

Often the person has strange feelings in the rectum or urethra after such procedures or detect rests of lubrication coming out of these openings, or he has pain or bleeding from these openings or the vagina. Often also marks after injection syringes is found on variouis part of the body,


The person has been brought into a van. Everything can then be done inside that van or the he is brought to some localization with more extensive falcilities. He is doped by medication, or he is already in for some ordinary procedure and have been given medication. He is still conscious and responding, but in a sate easy to handle and medicated so that it will be difficult to remember afterwards. The following is a description of the initial procedure when the abducted person is a person or teen, but adult persons can be handled somewhat similarly:

Typically someone, a spychologist or the like, will approach the kid, pretending to be a playmate. He will bring the person into a interactive play where the reponces of the person are recorded. They will also ask the person every kind of questions about its family, friends, habits, likes or dislikes. Typically several personren will be brought togeather so that one can monitor how they interact.

The person can also be asked to make drawings depicting himherself together with hisher family and friends.

During this process the person will be clothed down to underwear and one continues the interactive play and questioning, but the play will now take a shape like gymnastics and test of physical abilities. The questioning gradually centers upon the bodily feelings and habits of the person, while one also gradually begins palpation and feeling along the body areas of the person.


Eventually they will take off all the clothes the person has left and bring him upon an examination table. There they will subject him to an exam, using more or less standard medical equipment, but also to some extent avantguardistic tools.

During the exam, one of the abuctors will typically sit by the head of the person and use anesthetic techniques to hold the person in a suitably sedated state. Often this abductor will bend over the person to look into hisr eyes, just like anesthetists use to do in an operation theater. Other abductors do the practical exam.

The exam does not have the intention of finding or curing diseases, except perhaps they screen for microbes present in the person. Instead they concentrate upon finding out everything about the development, habits and living condition of the person and about habits in his family and local community.

Using the person as a guinea pig in medical experiments also often seems to be a purpose.

They will inspect the person from top to toe, remark any scars or signs on the body and take tissue samples from the skin, hair specimens and nail specimens. They will also palpate the body of the person from top to toe. During this process blood specimens and small tissue specimens deeper beneath the skin are also taken with needle-like devices.

After that they will do internal inspections of the person with endoscopic instruments and take internal specimens. Usually they will begin with the body opening in the head and inspect them: nose, ears, eyes, mouth. They might insert instruments down to the stomach through the mouth.

Often they will do some surgical-like procedure at the base of the scull with an endoscopic instrument inserted through the nose. They often place a little chip at this place wich has the purpose of locating and monitoring the person. This chip does not seem to be an advanced computer chip, but is rather composed of crystallic, metallic and organic patterns that will respond to and reflect electromagnetic waves.

Then they will quickly turn to the lower body and insert instruments into the urethra, vagina and anus for inspections and to take speciments. For pubertal boys and men specimens of semen seem to be particularly interesting which can be obtained either by an inserted instrument or after trigging of an erection and ejaculation. They also seem very interested in taking egg specimens form pubertal girls and women. Often specimens are taken by needle-like instruments inserted through the abdominal wall, or through the navel.

One also seem to be interested in the nervous system and trigger reflexes at all zones of the body with instruments.


In the third stage the person is more conscious, but still under a type of sedation that makes him easy to handle and easily suggestible.

He is usually lead to sit in a chair, usually strapped down, and usually with electrodes and recording devices of various kind at areas of the body, especially the head, but possibly also recording devices that go into the intimate body openings.

Now they show to the person videos, sound patterns or images with various kind of content that will give strong emotional and cognitive reactions, and the reactions of the person are recorded. All kind of reactions are triggered, like fear, worry, anger, religious reaction, love and sexual reactions.

To show all this content, they seem to use wide screens along the walls in the room or holographic projections. The person will often feel that he is in a vast geographical area or is taken along to some sort of journey. He will often be shown images of catastrophic happenings at that imagined area, like atomic explotions, volcanic eruptions or floods.

The person will often feel that hisr brain is tapped for information during these procedures. In this face of the abduction the person is also brainwashed to think and feel in special ways, especially ways regarding society and environmental issues, and promted to propagate this information to a wider audience.


During the examinations and experimentations, the person is usually not fully sedated, simply because that would hinder test of neurological reactions, psychological tests and sociological interrogation.

But when when the abductrs have got their will with the person, they will sedate the person fully with an anestheticum that works a short time and set back all the clothes that the person had on before the abduction. The person is then simply driven back to the place where they took him and set him down at some safe spot just before he wakes up.

The person will often in the first place feel that no time has passed since he saw a strange flying vehicle, a strange star or some other strange thing. But the person will often feel som inexplicable discomfort at variouis areas of the body, and especially in the body openings. Also symptoms like mystical nosebleed, needle marks or scars can be seen. Often also the clothes are messed up in some inexplicable way.

If they used the opportunity to experiment on the person when it is in for some other procedure, he will simply wake up in a hospital bed like expected. But he will often feel that some more have been done on several parts of the body than expected.

He will often wake up with discomfort in the intimate area, with rests of lubrication coming out from the intimate openings or with unexpected catheters or tubes coming out of body opening.

When the person or teen look at the clock it will detect that much longer time than expected has passed, and and now have the feeling of missing time.


The person will after some time experience memory form pieces of the happening pop up. These can be of the drone, the areal vehicle or of parts of the procedure.

Also when the experimentation happened as an addition to a minor surgery of ordinary kind, memories of UFOs can pop up, because lamps in an surgery theater often have the form like an UFO and medication can give a feeling of being floated up towards that lamp.

The beginning of the event when he saw an illuminated drone or the like and memories of all the strange symptoms in the body after the event and the memory of having lost a long time period will continue to pussle the experiencer.

Eventually the experiencer will believe he has been abducted by aliens in spce ships or have been subjected to strange sexual abuses, like ritualistic sexual abuse or been abused by satanic cults.


Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange fenomenons.

Please go to this web-site to find smart products in the categories RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, health, fitness and jewelry.


Article source:


The Zika Virus and Associated Epidemics - How Serious is Really the Situation?

The Zika virus and the associated disease is spreading in the southern parts of America and is also entering USA, creating a great deal of concern. Here are some basic facts about the virus, the epidemic and possible countermeasures.

The zika virus causes a disease that gives fever, rashes, joint pain, malaise, voimiting and red inflamed eyes. Usually the disease does not last more than a week and most often the symptoms are mild.

In rare cases, however, the disease is complicated by a reaction called Guillan-Barre syndrome. This syndrome give muscle weakness, that can progress to paralysis, that even can affect the breathing function. The syndrome can last several weeks or months, and sometimes some of its effects get permanent. In severe cases this syndrome makes it necessary with artificial ventilation and other type of life support for a longer time.

The syndrome is caused by an autoimmune reaction against the nervous system, because the immune defense in some cases mistakes elements of own body for elements of the virus.

If a pregnant woman gets the disease, also the foster can get infected through the placenta, which may cause birth defects. One suspects the virus for causing microcephaly, where the child has an abnormally small head and brain, mental handicaps and risk for early death, but the connection is not surely proven.

One suspects the connection because Brazil had only 147 reported cases of this defect in 2014, while 2400 in 2015, after the spread of the virus, and because many of the mothers reported symptoms of the disease in the early part of the pregnancy. But the Zika virus has been found in only very few of the children.

The virus belongs to the same family as those causing dengue, West Nile disease and chikungunya. It is spread by stings from the mosquito Aedes egypti, and possibly related mosquitoes. It does probably not spread directly between humans, but one cannot exclude totally a spread by blood and semen contact. The incubation time between the mosquito sting and the first symptoms vary from 3 to 12 days, but most infected persons do not get any symptoms.

Since the symptoms of the virus are fairly unspecific, a sure diagnose must be done by probing blood samples for the presence of Zika DNA by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

The virus was detected in Africa several decades ago. As by early 2016 the zika virus and the associated disease has spread over most of Latin America, and it has begun invading USA, and there has been sporadic cases in Europa and Asian countries. The epidemic in Asia and America seems to be caused by another subtype of the virus than that endemic in Africa. This epidemic has made the the World Health organization declare international emergency. But based on the usually mild nature of the disease, this move, however, is likely to be an overreaction produced by some degree of mass hysteria.

There are reports in media about the disease steadily getting more serious as it is spreading, but this impression can also be the result of the mass publicity the most serious cases are subjected to.

There is no real treatment against the disease, except medications for relief of pain and fever, and life support when serious complications occur. Patients affected by the disease are advised to rest a lot and drink enough water. By 2016 there is still not any vaccine, but efforts to make a vaccine is under way.

The best prevention for the disease, is to hinder stings from mosquitos. This can be done by mosquito traps in the house, bednets to hold mosquitoes away, and grating at windows to hinder mosquitoes from entering. When one goes outside in areas where the mosquitoes are frequent one can cover the body by clothes and use fragrances of a kind that repulse the insects. If there are dams in the environment where the mosquitoes are breeding, those can be drained. If one has a garden dam or swimming pool one can hinder mosquitoes from breeding by frequent change of water or by sterilizing it with an appropriate measures. If it is possible one can avoid traveling in areas with a high frequency of cases.

To apply any measure possible in order to hinder mosquito stings and thereby infection from this or other diseases that are contagious by mosquito stings can however be both impractical and uncomfortable, and they can make the environment very boring for people living at a place. Also measures to poison larvae can possibly cause irritation, allergic reactions or cancers in humans and animals. One must therefore calculate how far it is wise to go with such measures, and not let a mass hysteria lead to a battery of countermeasures that do more harm than good. It seems to be most important for pregnant women to avoid being infected.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.

About Acne - What Can You Do to Cure or Alleviate Acne?

By Knut Holt



Acne gives the combination of symptoms like greasy skin, white heads, black heads, pimples, inflammation and scar formation. Acne mostly affects young people in the age 14 - 25, but also sometimes older persons, like women in their menopause. Most teenagers experience outburst of acne, some only little, but for others acne may develop into a serious skin ailment with great cosmetic impact.


To understand the acne process, some knowledge about skin anatomy and physiology is essential:

The skin has there layers: The outer layer called epidermis consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. At the bottom there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mostly of fat cells.

The skin has narrow pores extending from the surface down to the top of the sub-dermis, called hair follicles. A hair extend from a growth zone in the bottom of each hair follicle and out at the skin surface. Around the hair in the dermis, there are small glands called sebaceous glands. These glands produce a fatty substance, sebum, which empty through the follicle opening and lubricates the hair and the skin.


Acne starts by the glands in the hair follicles increasing their sebum production. This will in the beginning only cause greasy skin. Eventually the sebum in the entrance of the follicles mixes with dead epithelial cells. This mix reacts chemically to forms hard props, comedones that close the pore entrances. According to the color of the comedones, they are called blackheads or white heads.

Then the closed hair follicle gets filled with sebum and swell. The swollen follicle then gets infected by bacteria. The bacteria and the accumulated sebum cause the follicle and the surrounding skin to get inflamed, forming a pimple. At last the inflamed follicle burst and empties its content. Eventually the affected area heals. Sometimes the inflammation reaches deep into the skin surrounding the follicle and destroys skin tissue. This will cause more or less distinct scars that may reside permanently. Typically an affected person will have follicles in all these stages of the process at any given time.


The increased hormone production in the puberty stimulate to increased sebum production. The male hormone, testosterone, seem to contribute most. Also girls begin to produce more testosterone in the puberty. Also in other periods, altered hormone production may give acne, for example by women in the menopause.

Since not all teens get acne in any degree, the increased hormone level cannot be the whole cause of the increased sebum production. The follicles of affected persons must for some reason react stronger upon the higher hormone level.

Dietary factors, like eating too much fat, too much sugar or the wrong kind of fat may aggravate acne by some individuals. Lack of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids may also contribute to development of acne.

Poor digestion, lazy colon and constipation aggravate acne in some individuals, probably due to productions of toxins in the intestines. Lazy colon may be caused by dietary faults, like lack of fiber.

Very frequent washing and use of strong soaps aggravate acne, and does not alleviate the condition as many think. Rubbing, scrubbing or squeezing the skin may also aggravate acne.

Here are some other factors that may contribute in causing acne or aggravating the condition.

- Stress

- Some contraceptive agents

- Environmental or domestic pollution.

- Humid environments.

- Some antidepressants.

- Testosterone and anabolic steroids used for treatment or by body-building.

- Use of some types of greasy cosmetic products.

- Some antiperspirant products.

- Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens.

- Women may get aggravated acne 2-7 days before menstruation.


Sometimes Acne is so severe that special medical treatment is required, and sometimes the causes of acne necessitate medical treatment. But you can do much yourself also. Here are listed things you can do yourself to prevent or treat acne:

1. Some advices about diet that may help prevent and cure acne:

- Do not consume a great amount of fat.

- The fat you add to the food should be natural oils. Olive oil is ideal, but use other types of oils too, like walnut oil, sunflower oil and soy oil. However, do not use only soy oil as many tend to do. Using only soy oil will give you too much of some fatty acids and too less of others.

- Eat much fish, seafood and not so much meat.

- Eat food with a high fiber content to regulate the digestion, like vegetables, whole cereals, full corn bread and fruit.

2. Here are some things you should avoid.

- Do not use greasy or heavy cosmetics that clog your skin and are difficult to wash away.

- Do not use strong irritating antiperspirants.

- Do not wash with strong soap or cleaners that dry up your skin and take away all the natural oily protection in your skin.

- If you perform body-building, do not use anabolic steroids or other hormonal supplements.

- Use clothes that allow air to reach your body surface to avoid collection of humidity and overheating of your skin.

3. Use of rinsing milk or solutions

You can rinse your skin with mild products especially made to dissolve the plugs in your pores, and to make the environment in your skin unfriendly to bacteria causing infection. Some of these products are just products to wash your skin with one ore more times a day; others should be on during night and flushed away in the morning.

Salicylic acid is a mild ingredient often used in these products to dissolve the comedones. The products usually also contain ingredients that work antibacterial and stimulate the skin's own cleaning activities, like Tea tree oil or Echinacea extract.

4. Use of gels and creams to treat acne and protect your skin

After the rinsing, you should apply some treatment gel, cream or lotion onto your skin to achieve these effects:

- To make your skin soft and elastic.

- To protect your skin against the environment.

- To acts further to dissolve the clogging of your pores.

- To soothe and alleviate inflammation.

- To kill the bacteria causing infection or make an environment hostile for the bacteria.

- To stimulate the skin to clean itself.

- To stimulate the skin to heal.

- To be used as a isolating layer between the skin itself and cosmetics

In order to protect, make the skin soft and further dissolve the comedones, many products contain natural plant oils that are easily absorbed into the epidermis, like Tea tree oil, Rose hip oil, Lavender oil and Olive oil.

Ingredients used in products to reduce inflammation and to stimulate healing may be: Aloe Vera extract, Viola Tricolour extract, Rose hip oil, Vitamin E and Vitamin A.

Tea tree oil and Grapefruit seed extract are natural antibacterial agents used in many of these products. In other products artificial compounds like Benzoyl peroxide are used.

5. Oral supplements to fight the acne process and nourish the skin

Supplements taken by mouth to nourish your skin may be useful. The purpose of these supplements is more or less the same as that of nourishing creams.

- To make the sebum more fluid so it drains more easily.

- To stimulate the substance exchange and cleaning processes in your skin,

- To stimulate your skin to heal,

- To give your skin building nutrients necessary to heal.

Ingredients often used in these supplements to stimulate the cleaning and healing processes in the skin are: Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, Folic acid, Beta carotene, Bioflavonoids, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, selenium, anti-oxidants from Green tea, Metylsulfonyl methane.

Nutrient found in these products used as material to rebuild damaged skin and to give a sebum with better consistency are: Evening primrose oil, Olive oil, Flax seed oil, Borage oil, Soy oil, Wheat germ oil and Lecithin.

Gum guggul extract used in oral products has an anti-biotic effect, and helps against spreading of the acne infection and thus helps against scar formation.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please go here to find innovative medicines against acne, eczema, scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural anti-aging supplements for the skin and the whole body:


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/115870


How to Avoid a Too High Consume of Fat, Sugar and Salt

By Knut Holt

Most people in the modern societies consume way too much fat, sugar and salt, which greatly increases the risk for serious diseases. Here you can learn how to get total control of your intake of these nutrients.

Many people consume much more fat, sugar and salt than needed. You also easily consume more than you think, because great amounts of these nutrients are hidden in the food sold in stores.

The high consume of fat sugar and salt causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, even in young people. As the intake of these substances is rising, also the frequency of these serious ailments is going up.

In order to keep yourself generally healthy and reduce the risk for disease, you need to get an absolute control of how much you consume of these nutrients.


An adult person needs around 4 grams salt (NaCl) each day. You can use this number when you assess the amount of added salt in the food you buy, and the salt you add to the dishes you cook.

Each of your meals should consist of less than 10% fat, around 30% carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and around 25% protein, measured in weight. The rest 35% will be the content of other nutrients and water in your food. Some experts will recommend more fat and less carbohydrates. But if you choose to get most of your energy from fat, you must be sure you reduce significantly your consume of sugar and starch too.

It is not possible to achieve exactly the ideal amount of fat, carbohydrates and salt in your diet. But by following some principles regarding the food you buy, cook and eat, you can control the composition of your diet well enough.


All your meals should contain protein-rich food like fish, poultry, eggs, mushrooms or meat. Each meal should also contain an equal amount of carbohydrate-rich food like bread, cereals, potatoes, beans or peas. And in each meal you should have some fruit, and vegetables. Some times each week you should eat food rich in healthy fat, like fat fish, sunflower seeds, almonds or nuts. The moderate amount of fat you need will be found naturally in all these food types.

Instead of sugar, use fruit, fresh or dried, like bananas and raisins to sweet your food.

Ideally you should not consume bread bought in the stores, but make dishes from unprocessed cereals, like porridge or muesli, or bake your bread from unprocessed cereals. To these dishes, or self-made bread you can add a minor amount of salt and natural oils.

If you still choose to buy ready made bread, choose whole grain bread, which contains specified natural oils as the only type of fat, without added sugar, and with only small amounts of added salt.

Make all your dishes from natural unprocessed sources. Add only small amount of natural oils and salt when you cook.

Buy meat free from visible fat or cut away the fat you can see.

Fish, meat and vegetables that have been processed or canned, as a rule contain substantially amount of sugar and salt, and usually also fat. If you still chooses to buy canned food, make sure that they do not contain added sugar, fat or salt before you buy it.

Avoid all kind of ready made sweet drinks. Ideally you should press juice from fresh fruit and blend it with water according to your own taste, and use this as your sweet drinks. Do not add sugar. If you still choose to buy ready-made juices, make sure that they do not contain added sugar or salt.

Cookies, candies, ice-cream and cakes consist mostly of fat, sugar and starch. These things should be eaten only at special occasions a couple of times each week, and not be a substantial part of your daily diet.


If you choose to buy ready-made food of some type, you must read the declaration to be reasonably sure about the content, and not trust what the label says. If there is no declaration, the declaration looks incomplete, it does not specify amounts, or the declaration contains some fancy words, do not buy it. If the declaration says something like "vegetable fat", this fat is as a rule industrially processed and unhealthy for you.

Also if the food has a consistency and taste that do not seem to fit the declared content, the declaration is most probably false, and you should avoid the product. For example, a full corn bread should have a firm consistency and not feel soft. A bread without added sugar should not taste distinctly sweet.

The small amount of added fat in your food should be unprocessed oils from olives, sunflowers, almonds, canola, nuts, linen seeds, soy, and other natural oils, and you should vary between these oil types so that you get a good mix of fatty acids in your diet.

Knut Holt

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Subject: Ermmm

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Date Posted: 14:00:23 07/19/03 Sat

I guess I don't have much to say this round. Like anyone reads the article anyways. -.-;;

But still I try.

So... Astra gets kidnapped by the coyotes. Oh joy. Guard Kadiri wants to rescue her, but Alpha Nikolas practically said "NO". He claimed he didn't want to start a war with the lesser coyotes.

Which just goes to show he's a coward. Or wise.
If he's a coward, he has no wish to fight and dosen't deserve his rank.

If he is wise, then he knows what he's talking about and deserves his rank as Alpha.

Though Nikolas is rather young, the youngest Alpha, he seemes to be handling it rather well.


[ Post a Reply to This Message ]
Subject: Pups

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Date Posted: 11:35:07 07/07/03 Mon

Just in case you all are curious about the pups that are/have come i have a list of new pups, parents and due days, if your too lazy to look it up on the desc page. All of these pups have been born XP.

Camo & Daya's Litter DUE June 8th

Father: Forest Calico eyes are dark green
Mother: Grey Auburn hazing and eyes are brown

Name: Jilena
Sex: Female
Color and markings:Grey w/ calico mixed in and green eyes
Name: Spike
Sex: Male
Color and markings:Blonde+Black spot on ribs as brown eyes
Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Color and markings:Grey Auburn as pale green eyes
Name: Semeria
Sex: Female
Color and markings: Red Marble Tortoise Shell as yellow/green eyes

No deaths in this litter

Mazen & Angel's Litter DUE June 10th

Father: Colbalt Blue and eyes are yellow
Mother: White with steel dipped tail and eyes are blue

Name: Goldburg
Sex: Male
Color and markings: Black Brown+ Rust right paw and brown eyes
Name: Kadence
Sex: Male
Color and markings: Colbalt Blue and yellow eyes
Name: Miranda
Sex: Female
Color and markings: White/Steel w/ colbalt blue highlights and light
blue eyes
Name: UNknown
Sex: Female
Reason: Stillborn

1 death in this litter

Apollo & Sizzle's Litter DUE June 16th

Father: White with black points with hazing and eyes are yellow
Mother: Dark Brown eyes are yellow hazel

Name: Plato
Sex: Male
Color and markings: White/Brown mottled coat and yellow eyes
Name: Hurrican
Sex: Male
Color and markings: Dark Brown+Black circled eyes and brown eyes
Name: Shaelis Rai
Sex: Male
Color and markings: Light Brown+ White dusted rear+ hazing and pale
blue eyes

No deaths in this litter

Monotanzal & Sileas's Litter DUE June 21st

Father: Cream with Dark brown blaze and eyes are green
Mother: Silver black markings and eyes are green

Name: Astra
Sex: Female
Color and markings: Cream/Silver w/ brown markings and green eyes
Name: Maiaki
Sex: Male
Color and markings: Cream+Black Hazing and Grey eyes
Name: UNknown
Sex: Female
Reason: Bron Premature
Name: UNknown
Sex: Male
Reason: Mouth deformities that unable him to nurse

2 deaths in this litter

Carone& Silvera's Litter DUE June 22nd

Father: Black with green eyes
Mother: Black+Silver tent with Silver eyes

Name: Cronos
Color and markings: Black w/ gray tips and yellow eyes
Name: Lita
Color and markings: Red and has Hazle eyes

No deaths in this litter

Gavin & Mareni's Litter DUE June 30th

Father: Black with white blaze to muzzle he is blind
Mother: unknown

Name: Nightshade
Color and markings: Mostly black w/ patching of scattered white and
blue eyes
Name: StoneCold
Color and markings: Black with brown eyes
Name: Khalan
Color and markings: Grey 1/2 face Tan 1/2 face White+ left eye is blind
right eye violet

No deaths in this litter

Jet and Fenrir's coming soon... they came on the 30 th but I'll get the info up soon.


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Subject: EEE!

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Date Posted: 16:51:58 05/27/03 Tue

Ooooh lookie! Hesper got demoted from Alpha position and long time wolf (who hasnt been here in ages and ages and ages ) Rael has taken her position.... interesting indeed. this author must pry to find out what exactly is going on.

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Subject: Ummm

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Date Posted: 16:37:53 05/27/03 Tue

Well well here we are again. I seriously doubt anyone acutlaly reads my article, which is why I havent posted in ages. :( Anyways. Its a fair bet I know whats going on too! Looks like all the coyotes are dying.. .not that I know anything about it... I will though.. someday...


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Subject: Hmmers

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Date Posted: 10:32:04 04/01/03 Tue

Well another mating season. Another batch of puppies... but so far it seems no families are expecting! How odd is that. Last year puppies were falling about left and right. hmmmm hmmm hnmmm. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if any of our long standing mates can stand each other enough to have a family again.

Sign Kit

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Subject: Hmmm

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Date Posted: 16:48:26 02/26/03 Wed

What can I write about this week? Hmm... well it appears we have a puppy killer in bpc now, though he only kills with alpha consent. And oh my poor Nikolas. Sole alpha of this rather large pack. He's gone down to the Century Pillar Rock to try and fill in some of the ranks, but his skill at fighting is meager at best. Mostly he made alpha for his intellegence and responsibility. What are things coming to?


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Subject: Vanyel and Stefan

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Date Posted: 15:46:28 02/13/03 Thu

How many have had the pleasure of meeting Vanyel or Stefan? Not very much I would assume since they just got here. Turns out these two gentleman are mated. THats right I said two gentlemen. An older male mated with a younger. Oddness. Perhaps they are here to shake society. Haha. Anyways, turns out Vanyel has a son. Truely, not adopted either. Brightfeather is Vanyels biological son. Vanyel steped in to help a friend, a female who wanted puppies but her mate wasnt able to do it, ( sterile you know ). Brightfeather was one of the pups. Stefan is younger, maybe about 2 or three years old, and they met when Van stopped for a bit to rest with little Brightfeather. The two immdietly hit it off, and POOF. Here they are. What changes will come? Will any? With the unshakiable society of BPC get the shock of its life? THe world waits in suspence...


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Subject: New Alpha?!

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Date Posted: 15:22:10 02/04/03 Tue

For those of you that read this, and arent caught up in the news, there is a new Alpha! Nikolas replaced Vince. How? I dont know. (actually I do but haha!) No fight was recoreded, and Vince was suddenly not #1 anymore. Strange? It gets stanger. Our new alpha is less than three years old, former Gamma. Other than he has two cousins, Aubrey and Kristopher, not much is known about him. Mostly he is quiet and doest talk much. But dont let that fool you! He is gentle and kind, though he doesnt show it much. Childhood dilema? maybe...

Our new mystery Alpha will just have to be unravled!


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Subject: Life is SOOO hectic!

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Date Posted: 11:28:44 01/11/03 Sat

OKAY! So all of you, I have 2 appologies to make. 1) too all those patient people who actually READ my articles, though I havent posted on in what... 3 months? Sooo sorry! 2) I would like to appologize to everyone who was waiting on me to post with my wolves. ( I play Clef, Deverill, Exile, Kith Kanan, Kristopher, Nikolas, Raiden, Steel the second, and Steel the spirit wolf, unkei, vincent, Aubrey, Kitiara, Zerelia, Devon and Kinko.) For all of you waiting on me, again i appologize sincerly. I will try to pick up, but the thing is I'm trying to get ready for my GED, take drivers school and a whole big mess of other things. I even have my own RP site to look after. For those of you who play at DS, again I am SOOO sorry.

Signed Kit

PS PLEASE have patience with me.. Thank you

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Subject: Sorry

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Date Posted: 11:02:13 11/16/02 Sat

I'm sorry I havent had alot of time to put in a new article but I've been busy! I am now the new webmistress for BPN, I run another Rp site and I'm setting up another for my friend. Soooooo hmmmm. What can I tell you about this week?


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Subject: Interview

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Date Posted: 11:17:11 10/30/02 Wed

Ok so I'm like on a low for ideas about what to write so I decided to take a leaf from Katies book and interview somone. ::Turns to Thunder::

Kit:Why do you hate coyotes so much?
Thunder: I hate coyotes because they are tricky slick sons of b******
Kit: Why are you so rude to the "ladies"?
Thunder: I like to take advantage and pick on weaker critters.
Kit: What made you such a hard person?
Thunder: Hard life growin up. Sibling rivarly. I was the oldest so they paid more attention to my sibs than me.
Kit: Why did you jump Dev at the springs? He didn't do anything to you...
Thunder: Cause he's a coyote!

Ok and thats all we had time for. I hope you enjoyed my article with lots of new information about the elusive Thunder.


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Subject: Vacation!

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Date Posted: 14:17:30 10/14/02 Mon

Woohoo! Vacation! That means I wont be around ta postie! The humidity hit me like a hammer the second I got off the plane and by God I want my dry dry no humidity whatsoever home! See ya when i get back and I ajust to my timezone again.

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Subject: Kitiara and..... Nidia?

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Date Posted: 17:27:56 10/06/02 Sun

Ok my first article is going to be on Nidia and Kitiara. hmm. What do we know of these two? Kit just arrived and seems bent on seducing every male she comes across. Look at poor Orion! He seems to be taking it well. Look at Nidia. The little b*****. Shes going around and kissing guys on Jamie's command and actin' like a grade A ho. Put two and two together and tatah! Sisters!

Now as sisters go they arent very close. Daddy was an old geezer and mommy couldnt handle the stress of having a lazy ol' mate and two puppies to raise. So she walked out on Nidia and Kit, leaving their father to take care of them. Always arguing and fighting, finally the old geezer couldnt take it and croaked, leaving them on their own.

The two 'loving' sisters split. Nidia arrived at BPC and Kit wandered about by herself for a bit. But she followed Nidia to see what she was up to. Finally both sisters are at BPC togther. Heaven only knows what'll happen now.

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