Caldoom KylAgain.
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Date Posted: 15:44:51 01/04/05 Tue
In reply to:
Caldoom KylAgain
's message, "GUILD MANAGER/S COMMENTS" on 18:35:18 11/11/02 Mon
Jan 4, 2005.
[#1] Power leveling [the rapid rise in levels by accompanying a higher level player in combat].
[#2] Guild Give-Away Vault.
Power leveling [pling] is without a doubt the most sought after happening in this great game of ours and often the most difficult help to get.
It is well known by all upper level players that each person, below them in level, wishes to reach level 50 as rapidly as possible. Personally, I find the play of each day enjoyable and having many 50’s, I know that being level 50 is of no great value for myself and most players (except for RVR), for we soon form other alt characters and level them.
In our guild, as in most others, pling is a gift from one guild member to other members and not a guild requirement in any form.
Each of us has the ability of pling any member/player of lower rank, give this gift please and not always seek it for yourself.
Power leveling is not easy to do, as it displaces what you may like/wish to do on a given day in order to help another.
Keep in mind that power leveling for the giver has some costs attached to it, [example] ones armor and weapons wear more quickly than when not pling and have to be replaced more often, etc.
As our Guild Manager, I encourage all our members to give to fellow guild members in any form they are able to, money, items, pling and so on; at the same time I would encourage all members to, on occasion, voice the wish for pling/other help but not constantly.
Guild Give Away Vault: hopefully you all know, in the basement of the guild house is a vault where each member may take any item placed there for use on any guild character. These items are donated by fellow members and are not to be taken for people outside of our guild and not taken for the purpose of selling to generate funds.
The key to the success of this vault is the willingness of all members to donate or, as able to, replace the items they themselves have taken, thereby keeping a supply of not wanted items for others to use. The hard part of course is that every item donated, is one that you can not sell to generate funds for yourself. As with so much in GUILD, the success is up to each member. Again I encourage you to support this help to others.
Caldoom KylAagin
Guild Manager.
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