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Caldoom KylAgain
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Date Posted: 20:10:37 05/02/05 Mon
In reply to: Caldoom KylAgain 's message, "GUILD MANAGER/S COMMENTS" on 18:35:18 11/11/02 Mon

Hi fellow members, please allow me to thank all who have joined Circle of Light [COL] Guild. It is the intent of the guild officers, along with all members, to make each players time in the game, as rewarding and enjoyable as is possible.

If your needs are not being met, please e-mail me and let me know how we may help you, Circle of light exists for you and as such, needs to know your concerns, ideas, and suggestions. Please use this Message Board as well, its here for your Guild/Game comments.

It is not the intent of the officers to see [COL] grow rapidly; all are welcome and will be invited as you bring them and all will be welcomed. It is more the intent that [COL] grows slowly, with each member finding their place in the guild and game and that each member finds the help they need, within the abilities of fellow members.

Battleground and Realm versus Realm activities we be conducted regularly, if at all possible. As many of the lead officers are in the western parts of the U.S., these activities will generally take place between 5 and 8 PM Pacific time, however for those residing in the east, we shall also attempt to schedule these activities on weekends if you wish, at earlier times, to allow all to participate and learn.

Please check this Message Board regularly for these events.

As many are playing more than one character, please ensure that each character is entered into the game regularly, to prevent the need for “inactive” messages to be sent; you only have to enter the character into active play, not work the character, to show activity.

Have fun and enjoy.
Caldoom KylAgain, GM.

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Re: How to use our Message Board.Caldoom.13:24:24 01/18/06 Wed

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