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Date Posted: 17:20:08 09/20/05 Tue

Will somebody tell Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity...

1. There were NOT a THOUSAND buses left un-used in New Orleans. There were not even "HUNDREDS" as Hannity has now backed down to saying. There were 324 - and 70 weren't mechanically operable. If you wanna be pissed that Ray Nagin didn't have folks drive those 254 buses loaded with evacuees out of town, fine. But at LEAST report it right. This manipulation of the facts only continues to prove these two 'outsider' HACKS have a political agenda, not a NATIONAL agenda.

2. That Mayor Nagin is known in New Orleans circles as "Ray Reagan," because, quite frankly, before the guy ran for mayor, he was a REPUBLICAN. Name another african-american in the NATION who owns or once-owned a HOCKEY team, contributed $2,000.00 to the Bush/Cheney campaign and endorsed Bobby Jindal in the last governor's race?

This Blacno-bashing is unfounded; the only reason the Hannitys, Limbaughs and Moon Griffons of the world are all over Blanco is because she's a democrat...pure and simple. They don't want to mention the PRIOR Louisiana governor who held the office for EIGHT YEARS prior and apparently didn't exactly hand over a hurricane preparedness plan worthy of a category five storm, either. They bash her and don't mention him. They bash (Moon's nickname) "Katrina Mary" and don't speak one bit about David Vitter. Why's that, Moon?

Because, folks... with Limbauhg, Hannity, Moon Griffon, et al, it's party before state... party before America...party before "We The People."

Don't buy into their b.s.

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