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Date Posted: 15:07:04 02/09/05 Wed
Author: Disgruntled Bronco Fan
Subject: Re: hope on the Horizon
In reply to: Bronco66 's message, "hope on the Horizon" on 09:43:59 02/09/05 Wed

Wow TH. You and I really feel the same about our SCU Broncos. I went to the UNC and Stanford games. And yes, I too felt something special after those victories. Of course, that feeling went away with bad losses and now I share your same sentiment on this season. YAWN!!! When you look at college basketball today, the successful teams have excellent guard play and solid frontcourts. When we win, we have both. But in our many losses, only one of those elements have been present. Niesen is solid, but not big enough to clean up the boards. Denison is still too soft. KB hasn't been the same since his freshman year. And DP, while great, is too inconsistent with his shot. So to get back on top, SCU will not only need a big man (taller than Niesen) who's willing to bang in there, but also a guard who can beat a defense off the dribble and stretch out defenses with the trey. Just look at the #1 team in the country...Illinois. Their big men aren't the most skilled...but they're not afraid to get dirty. And Illinois arguably has the best backcourt in the country. The way Illinois is playing is the key to success in college basketball. DD found these players before. I don't know what's happened since Marlon Garnett. Garnett was the last SCU guard I remember who could do the things I mentioned earlier.

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