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Date Posted: 16:02:08 02/09/05 Wed
Author: Bronco66
Subject: SMC --- Yawn
In reply to: THuckaby 's message, "Re: hope on the Horizon" on 13:32:56 02/09/05 Wed

as for the St Mary's game being a yawn ... actually we need the 4th place (and maybe even the third) for a good shot at the title ...

remember 4 plays 1 in the Semis and 3 plays 2

also if we beat them and they take one more loss (and we win out ... yah I know) we have the tie breaker and move into 2nd place with two tourney byes ....

not just a yawn ...

I understand all of what you both are saying ... and can appreciate it ... all I *KNOW* is that the Broncos are my team I am supporting them and we will see where the chips fall this spring ....

the tide is turning at SCU ... and now more than ever the U needs our support and involvement ... good or bad but just not indifferent ...

I appreciate the post and the discussion ... thanks for bringing it and


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: SMC --- Yawn -- THuckaby, 07:18:19 02/10/05 Thu


I am well aware of the ramifications of finishing in 5th, and the loss of a bye that results. But this game remains a YAWN, for several reasons:

a) yes, it helps if we win, but the games at USF and at USD (the two teams we are competing with for 3rd/4th) are gonna settle that no matter what happens against SMC tomorrow.

b) I am SICK AND FREAKIN' TIRED of 3rd and 4th place being a "big" thing for us! Dammit, is this the mediocre level to which we've sank? Sure, if we get the bye, we have a better chance to win the tourney - that's basic logic. But do you really think we have a snowball's chance in hell of pulling that off, bye or no bye? Either way it would require consecutive wins over SMC and Gonzaga. I don't see it.

So sure, I love the Broncos too. I really do. I care about our hoops WAY too much, to be honest.

But if you see a things turning around... good lord, what are you seeing? Where's the light at the end of the tunnel? Think about next years team, without Perkins and Bailey. Can we say mediocre?

It's all fine and dandy to support the school. I do that heart and soul.

But we deserve better than 15 years of mediocrity.

So I am just jazzed to hell about this "big" game against SMC - NOT! Oh sure, if we win that's wonderful, as a sweep of the Gaels is always a good thing. But in the competitive scheme of things, the game is as close to meaningless as we will ever have.

And that just plain sucks.


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