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Date Posted: 06:45:16 02/25/05 Fri
Author: Tom Huckaby
Subject: Re: Enough is enough
In reply to: SCU Student 's message, "Enough is enough" on 00:23:53 02/25/05 Fri

My friend, you think YOU are frustrated?

My fellow 85 alums and I have been suffering through this for nearly 25 years now.

We've been patently mediocre for at least 18 of those 25 years.

And it's just not right.

See my posts in the thread below.

Hang in there though... what you have going for you is that this is the final year of Davey's contract, so a decision does have to be made. Unfortunately for you, you have a new AD who's stated goal is to return to Santa Clara family values, a departure from the Levick regime which produced, oh I don't know, great success in damn near every sport?

We'll see how it goes. The feeling of many of us is that Davey himself knows he has no basis for asking for an extension... but yet he isn't ready to hang them up... and it's not our way to fire or force out hoops coaches - obviously - so this is a very tough call. The hope is that for the good of all Davey will step down gracefully. But we'll see how it goes.

And by step down gracefully I do NOT, REPEAT NOT, mean hand the reigns to Seandel.

Yep, we need a whole new coaching staff, a fresh start, a new beginning. The school is better than the mediocre men's hoops program it presents.

But it remains to be seen how this plays out. If I am a betting man, I'd bank on Davey getting one more year, with the proviso that Seandel get the job after that. And of course that is damn near the worst case scenario if we ever want to be actually good. But that seems to be the compromise that this AD would go for.

Again, I like Davey and loyalty and long-term devotion like his does need to be rewarded.

So give him the keys to the school. Hold a Dick Davey appreciation night. Honor him up the yingyang.

Only let's take away the keys to our hoops program, shall we? The mediocrity has gong on way too long as it is.

One final thought: you as a student likely won't remember this, hell you were a little kid when it happened, but for other readers, consider Gonzaga at the end of the Fitzgerald era. They had a semi-successful coach, beloved as a man, revered in the community, but he was at the end of his contract. Of course they had certain improprieties come up which made it easier to force him out, but they stood at those crossroads and decided to get better... so hired Monson.

The rest is freakin' history. Dream for them, nightmare for us.

We stand at those same crossroads right now. Do we want to be Gonzaga, or do we want to continue to be Mediocre Hoops U.?


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[> [> Re: Enough is enough -- Disgruntled Bronco Fan, 09:29:55 02/25/05 Fri

Let's look at this in a college football sense. If this were college football, DD would be gone because most likely the rich alumni would not tolerate mediocrity. Now I am not too sure how it works at SCU because I'm not a rich alumni. But the decision for Coonan to "allow" DD to step down would be easier if he were "persuaded" by rich alumni. I doubt we know any rich alumni. But the only way DD and the whole coaching staff will be gone next year is if the people who fund our basketball team and their scholarships are fed up with the mediocrity.

On another note, it appears that DD has done a pretty good job of recruiting for next year. However, if a coaching staff change is made, it is possible that our incoming recruits can choose to transfer. That is a thought we must take into consideration before getting rid of the whole coaching staff.

Disgruntled out!!!

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[> [> [> Re: Enough is enough -- Disgruntled Bronco Fan, 09:34:32 02/25/05 Fri

After looking at TH's other posts, maybe DD hasn't done such a great job at recruiting for next year. Oh well!!! 14-14 again next year boys.

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[> [> [> Re: Enough is enough -- Tom Huckaby, 10:00:49 02/25/05 Fri

Great points re college football comparison. Unfortunately, I know some rich alumni, but they don't support the school much one way or the other, so the ones that do are unknown to me... But my feeling is - again very unfortunately - that the ones who do support the program are the "Santa Clara family" types who are content with annual mediocrity so long as we continue to churn out hoops players who become contributing citizens and role models.

What I don't get is why we can't have both, like so many other schools...

Re the recruiting, well hell that's just my take and I am far removed from it. But the more I research these guys others here are all excited about, the LESS excited I get.


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[> [> [> [> This year's recruits. -- JC, 11:37:24 02/25/05 Fri

While I think the class may be better than TH describes, i'm not sure recruiting and the talent level was the primary problem this season.. Calvin Johnson was rated at Texas Hoops as #89 in Texas but another website rated him #105 in the country, which is probably higher than any Bronco in any rating since BJ. Street and Smith rated him a High Honorable mention All American; that would also place him with the top 150 or so. Not great, not Aaron Affalo, but not bad. Prep West Hoops rates Bryant as the 10th best post in the West. For a point of reference, Niessen was ranked 11 as a power forward three years ago. Sammet is not as highly regarded, but received a pretty good review from Prep West. I suspect at the end of the recruiting season, they Broncos will be in the middle of the WCC as far as rankings go.

The bigger concern I have is one of consistency and motivation (recall the death march through late December v. bottom feeders). Doron Perkins is a versitile player, with more talent then anyone here since a healthy Jones (and much more atheletic). After the LMU game, DLew asked him if he was upset about the previous tough OT loss to P'Dine. DP replied "no, we didn't play well and we still took them to OT." How can you not be pissed off about losing to a team you man-handled on the road (and yes the Waves had their starting center for that game, 'cuz I watched him push Denison all over the floor)? If this team played to it's potential, its talent, we'd be debating NCAA v. NIT bids; they haven't and we're not.The players did not produce on a consistent basis. It still gets back to coaching.

Even if the class is as good as this "polly" might think it will be, it will be a young team and we're losing the majority of our points, rebounds,assists and steals. unless there are some real steals, next year could be tough under any circumstance.

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