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Date Posted: 10:18:03 12/09/24 Mon
Author: And keep the head forward
Subject: The turnout and crossover now needed is so extreme it forces dancers to literally turn sideways.
In reply to: Hilarious 's message, "So foot circles are out, head wiggles are in? The new trend in choreo?" on 01:27:09 12/09/24 Mon

It used to be when one front was in front of the other that the back toe was in line with the front heel. Now the feet have to be so crossed that not even the toes line up. Turn out used to require the heels to just be visible. Now both feet have to be pointing in opposite directions.

We are setting our children up for a lifetime of medical issues, especially those who don’t have hyper mobility and are forcing their legs, feet, and hips into anatomically impossible positions.

We are now asking our dancers to do ballet, jazz, and gymnastic leaps and jumps and not allowing any of the plies needed to safely land. Coming out of a massive leap and landing on the pads of the toes is a recipe for disaster.

I say this without malice, but have you looked at the TCs who teach our children? Many are crippled and obese because Irish dance ruined their bodies and rendered them unable to move without pain. Our children are headed for the same fate.

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  • Also who brought back doing rocks with your head (NT) -- Instead of your ankles, 15:37:08 12/09/24 Mon
  • Saw that, thought the dancer would be marked down. (NT) -- She wasn't., 07:33:39 12/10/24 Tue

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