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Subject: Re: Hello Again

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Date Posted: 11:58:28 03/14/03 Fri
In reply to: EvilSpee 's message, "Re: Hello Again" on 21:43:41 03/13/03 Thu

>>>>I thought you said you were a fed, maybe when I
>>>>it up I was thinking of something else, the rebel
>>>>doesn't do much anyways. I don't realy know of a
>>>>site for plug-in development I just use ResEdit...
>>>>>>>>Hey there every1,
>>>>>>>>I have been away for quite some time now and am
>>>>>>>>to be back. NEway does ne1 know a good ev plug
>>>>>>>>and KC3 did ya get my thingee ok? i trashed
>>>>>>>>Outlook Express so i cant send you any more
>>>>>>>>but I cant make good ones neway. Your new plug
>>>>>>>>good but Im not going to ask for the password
>>>>>>>>like the confederates just the way they are
>>>>>>>>$%^&ing brats) Sorry i should'nt have said that.
>>>>>>>I would also like to add that confederate ppl
>>>>>>>go to heaven (no im not a confederate wuss) coz
>>>>>>>are gay people who are to happy and to wussy to
>>>>>>>We on the other hand are rebels who dont obey the
>>>>>>>rules so we should go to hell and fight the
>>>>>>>That way WE could torture THEM.
>>>>>>You dissapoint me, I assumed you were a rebel, oh
>>>>>>I wasn't able to upload the plug because my Mac
>>>>>>working but I emulated one of my computers to run
>>>>>>Mac so I'll get it up soon.
>>>>>Why do I dossapoint you kc3? I am a rebel what
>>>>>you think im not? If its coz i dont want your
>>>>>thats because i doubt it would work with EV MAGMA
>>>>>I dont particularly want to get rid of magma. Do
>>>>>know the site for a good plug-making application?
>>>I never said i was a fed but we all make mistakes.
>>>Anyway I was wondering what ship you use Kc3?
>>>I have an upgraded Corvette that is incredibly
>>>powerful (No Cheats) I think I will get a Kestrel
>>>coz those lightnings look handy.
>>I like the Rebel Cruiser and Kestrel, the Lightnings
>>are handy but if you don't need them you can make an
>>extreme fortune capturing lightnings and selling them.
>>P.S I tried to check out your plug but when I did it
>>wouldn't work for some stupid reason.
>What plug? the one I made a while ago or MAGMA? Anyway
>I do have a large amount of cash and have decided to
>buy that Kestrel. I dont know of any lightnings that
>arent Militia or Pirates. And pirates dont come near
>me very often now.
>P.S Come to think of it the plug only changes the
>Government. The descriptions still say stuff like:"
>Every Schoolkid knows that earth...blah blah blah and
>the smae ships still come up so you should just get
>rifd of it really.

The plug I said I was going to upload, I've only seen militia defenders not lightnings but go to Cyndonia and Lethe they have a lot of lightnings to capture.

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Re: Hello AgainEvilSpee17:15:24 03/29/03 Sat

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