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Date Posted: 18:01:48 06/10/03 Tue
Author: "The Sentinel" Gabriel Blade
Subject: Final Words from the Sentinel

(Scene opens with a shot of "the Sentinel" Gabriel Blade dressed to wrestle with his OWF title around his waist before a simple gray backdrop. Not glitz, no glamour, nothing fancy. Just a simple scene for the OWF Champion to speak his mind. He's got an 8 way elimination match coming up, and that means he's got 4 opponent to deal with. Each of them brings a different threat to the table, and it's time for him to address one of the most personal of them.)

Gabe- They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it would seem in your case, Manson, the opposite is true. Your accidental neck injury which happened to occur when you were in the ring with my tag team partner Michael Burke was tragic and most unfortunate. But try as I might, I can't honestly say I'm happy to see you've returned. But back you are, and that is quite the accomplishment. You deserve to be congratulated, Manson, you really do. The doctors didn't think that you would ever walk again, but here you are, 6 months later ready to get back into the ring. I'm glad for you that you were able to achieve such a speedy recover. However, what I am not glad for and what I cannot congratulate you for is the manner in which you have chosen to return. I understand the pain you felt when your neck was crushed and you thought you might never wrestle again. I know that it must have been hell to sit in that hospital bed unable to move while the rest of us went on unhindered, I can only imagine what it must have been like to have to struggle just to move, to fight day by day to be able to walk, and then to run all so you could just get back to being what you all ready were. But all that you've endured does not free you from the consequences of your actions now that you have returned.

(Gabe pauses, pacing slightly, only taking a few steps in each direction before turning, and always keeping his eyes on the camera.)

Gabe- Pain and isolation can do strange things to a man, they can warp they way he sees the world, and I can see that that has happened to you, Manson, but as I see things very clearly, allow me to clarify a few things for you. You say that Michael Burke called you day after day after day to rub in the fact that he almost crippled you for life, that he rubbed it in your face that he'd taken everything away from you. Well, I know Michael Burke, Manson, I know him very well, and I'm going to let you in on a little something. Mike did call you day after day after day. Mike did call you every single day after your injury, without fail. But it wasn't to rub anything in. It was out of genuine concern for your condition and your recovery. Even though what happened to you was in no way his fault, even though the referees, UWS management, and the police all cleared him of any wrongdoing and declared the incident a clear accident, Mike was overcome by guilt, and was desperate to know that you would be all right. Because that's the kind of guy he is. Michael Burke is one of the most decent human beings I have ever known, he's the kind of man someone like you just can't understand, he's the kind of man with near infinite kindness inside his heart.

(Blade pauses again, stopping in his tracks and staring into the camera with pure anger.)

Gabe- But you couldn't see any of that, Manson, you couldn't see it at all. All you could see was the man who happened to be in the ring when you got hurt, and therefore in your twisted eyes the man who must be at fault. And you took his foundless guilt and his truthful concern and you used it as fuel for your blind hate. And so you had Sin go after him and nearly kill him when he sent that van into the water, and so you came back and you tried to end his life. (slight pause) It's no surprise that you're the mastermind behind Sin and his Champions, it's no surprise that you are the man he calls his Prophet. You're just like him. You see the world through your own twisted eyes. You see evil and malice and sin, and you see it everywhere except in yourself. You say society doesn't care about individuals, and you offer as proof that no one but my partner called you while you were injured. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason no one called you was because of the kind of man you were before you got hurt? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe you had brought it on yourself? No, because you couldn't possibly be at fault for anything that happens in your life, so you needed someone to blame, whether it be Mike Burke, who now has no way to support his wife and baby daughter, or society itself.

(Caught up in emotion, he is unable to speak for a moment. When he regains his composure, he begins pacing again.)

Gabe- And something else you're dead wrong about, you call me an empty champion, when nothing could be further from the truth. I realize that you never lost the OWF title, and I realize that it was taken from you before you even got a chance to defend it. But I wasn't the one who took it from you, and I am no empty champion. You think that this title (points to the belt) should just be handed back to you? Well that's not going to happen. I won this belt in the ring, 1, 2, 3 as legitimate as it gets. You want it back? Fine, you can try and take it back. I'll give you a shot at it whenever you want it. But if you're going to call yourself OWF champion again, you're going to have to beat me in the middle of the ring to do it. I'd love to see you try.

(Blade pauses again as if a new thought has entered his mind.)

Gabe- Oh, and speaking of your title ambitions, I see that you've got your eyes on Lee's LWA title as well. Well, don't worry about our team, because none of us is going to put a knife in Todd's back, but if you want to try to take his gold, you're more than welcome to. I have to tell you, though, you'll have to go through me to do it. You're not taking my belt and your not taking Lee's if I have anything to say about it. You're back, you're a wrestler again, and you're welcome to try to earn any title you'd like, but just because you're returning from an injury doesn't mean your exempt from the rules, and it doesn't mean you don't have to pay for your crimes. You hurt innocent people, Manson, you hurt my tag team partner. I will not let you get away with that. Every man must face his Judgement Day, Manson, and yours is Coming. (direct and intense) Prepare To Be Judged.

(There is a long pause, as if Blade thinks of something else, and debates whether or not to mention it for a moment before deciding to speak.)

Gabe- Oh, and before I go, I've got just a few more words for Scott Lenoir. You're not the antichrist, Lenoir, believe me, you're just worthless little punk who's ego is getting him into trouble. And you can train, say your prayers, and eat your vitamins, but it won't do you any good. Because there is a one Warrior nation coming for your, Lenoir, and there's nothing you can do about it. So you're looking forward to your Judgement Day, eh, Lenoir? I'm glad to hear it. Because all you have to do is get in line and wait to be knocked down alongside everybody else. The Acts of God are anything but Divine, but though Angelic they are not, they are going to Fall. I hope you've enjoyed your reign of terror, boys, because it ends now. Your moment on top is officially over, because this Friday at Blackened you all will Be Judged!

(Blade stares resolutely forward, unwavering as he burns a whole through the camera with the fire in his eyes before the scene...)

(Fades To Black.)

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