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Subject: <3 b.roken h.earts <3

<3 heartb.roken
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Date Posted: 19:25:00 05/07/04 Fri
In reply to: Buster 's message, "The Stranger" on 20:45:30 05/06/04 Thu

Pens may write on paper
But the feeling of what's written
Can't be manifested by words
Which is why I stare at this paper for hours
With hundreds of things in my head
Bursting with ideas of what I want to write
But those thoughts lose their meaning
When put into a fluid motion of the hands
Once transformed into ink on a page
An epic tale of two broken hearts
Isn't a memory so much as a tale
There are 26 letters in the alphabet
They may form words
Of joy and loss and compassion
But only a fool would think that
The word love could
Accurately convey the emotion
Because we can all define love
And write it into texts
But only a few can explain what it feels like
To have a broken heart

Indeed the initial grettings were boring, but this bitch wasn't the one to have lengthy conversations with. She preferred to hold her tongue and save her opinions and feelings for when she thought it appropriate. Otherwise, she figured they knew too much about her, which was a proven danger to herself. The name was enough - too much at that. He was one of the few she had given it to.

Her milk chocolate eyes instantly caught sight of his sudden uneasiness and she wondered what she had done to cause it. Was it him being cautious? Or was she unaware of something? After a moment of nervousness, she decided that it was just him and allowed herself to relax a bit more, easing into a down position. She felt a bit vulnerable in this position however, and kept alert, as well as her muscles tense, ready to spring up if needed. This was a bit rare for her to be doing, as she never really cared the impact she had upon others.

And now it was her turn to break the pattern. She smirked and replied to his one word with seven. "I wasn't aware we were at war." A doggish smirk found itself on her muzzle as the words were spoken in a soft voice, but not too soft for the male to hear. It was true though. This was the first time the bitch had encountered this stud and he suddenly asked for a peace agreement. Who was to say that they would have been at eachother's throats?

.riddle me this <3 heartb.roken
.call me a bitch
.been in hell for 2 years
.stereotype me as a siberian husky
.color me ginger snap
.look me in the eyes milk chocolate

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State of GraceBuster21:24:52 05/07/04 Fri

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