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Subject: a.rtists like cats - s.oldiers like dogs

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Date Posted: 11:04:26 07/03/04 Sat

A tremendous german shepherd dog tramps into the blackened alley way, not yet oriented to the dark. His ragged ears slide t'wards his scarred skull as he hears sounds unfamiliar to him. As his eyes adjust to the lack of light, he notices boxes, dumpsters, and rats, all of which he was familiar with. As a wee pup, a little boy had turned him out onto the cold, harsh streets, probably to die. But no, that tough little pup didn't give up. He scavenged for food, and fought off rivaling packs of dogs. He wasn't ready to die just yet. He wanted to live to be an adult, to see the world. And so he did. That little boy that hadn't had wanted him anymore was now a man, probably off getting drunk or giving his body to some prostitute. Scandal had lived in an adjacent alley to the one he currently prowled, yet he hadn't dared enter this alley for fear of getting mobbed by the Canine Mafia. He had heard rumors that the all-mighty pack of dogs had split and gone their seperate ways. Now that they had left, he wanted to explore and meet new faces, and he vowed to himself that he would never be kind to a human-being, not even until the day he died.

(Yes, I was around when the Canine Mafia was together and when they split... Now I'm back. Don't ask who I am. I know many of you shall remember me, and many of you probably still hate me. But, guess what? I'm Baaacckk! I'm back only because I wanna hone my writing skills some more before I attempt to write a novel, and to create my own RPG.)

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<3 b.roken h.earts <3<3 heartb.roken09:22:14 07/10/04 Sat

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