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Subject: .|wicked blood|.

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Date Posted: 20:00:22 07/24/04 Sat
In reply to: Melody 's message, "))forget me not((" on 19:37:27 07/24/04 Sat

Leather clad minx nodded to Veronica, not asking her what she apparently didn't want to know. Hell, Isis being part vamp was a given, but as to the rest of her blood...no one knew that whole story except her parents. It would be too difficult to explain anyways. Annoyingly so. Of course, there were those out there that knew a few of the other bloodlines she held. But they were dead, so it didn't matter much. Emeralds flickered over towards Melody, not a word spoken as the girl left the allyway. Well, that had been the point right? To get her to leave and out of danger? Isis didn't feel like patting herself on the back though. Gaze was turned towards Veronica, the dark haired woman speaking in the same husky tone that she was always heard in.

Looks like we saved one poor and foolish soul tonight. Was nice meeting you Veronica. Perhaps one day you can come to peave with what you are.

Raven hued brow was raised with her words, the minx standing there for a moment as she allowed her words to sink in. Wild locks were tossed over her right shoulder with a slender hand, vixen turning away from the other. She gracefully walked down the darkened ally, casting a single glance gack behind her to see what Veronica was doing, her bright green eyes glittering like jewels in the shadows...

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Angel of DarknessEva20:51:07 07/24/04 Sat

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