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Subject: :: Elven :;

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Date Posted: 20:10:27 07/31/04 Sat
In reply to: - chasity - 's message, "- runaway -" on 19:57:21 07/31/04 Sat

Oh? Than you must be very lucky to survive with only one blade, or you must have used others in the past.She said more kindly, her elven ears twitching. She silently signaled to the femme (dog) that she wouldn't do anything. Yet. Not on her turf. You seemed to live through a lot. she couldn't help admiring the girl's guts. You had to admit, she was somewhat a pampered pet, to put it mildly. The only discomfort she had was running away; mortals had attacked her elven village and the elves ran away, but even then she stilled lived decently, for she had been harbored by the nearby duchy house. So....tell me... what are your thoughts about the future? she was touching a soft spot; well, at least with all the mortals she asked. She fingered her daggers, softly, before throwing one at the femme, landing with a thud before her feet. Take a look and tell me what you see.These were daggers, carved by the great Yhun of the Ice Mountains; the side blades where of diamond; the hardest material upon earth. Upon the hilt was moonglow material, for scrying.

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The Sweet Taste of BloodRaven of Darkness20:20:31 07/31/04 Sat

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