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Gabrielle and Max bond, Gabrielle asks Larry and Max for a moment alone with Bo. She starts to take off the ring and when Bo asks her what she's doing, she says they won't allow her to wear it in surgery. She asks Bo to keep is safe for her, and he says he is going to keep it in his hand so he can put it right back on her finger when she gets out of surgery. Gabrielle and Al bond, and they plan to have a big celebration when it's all over. Larry and Max come in and inform them it's time for preparation, and Gabrielle stands up to leave. On her way out, she gives Al a thumbs up.
Larry and the other doctor explain what they are going to do with Al and Gabrielle, and then Gabrielle is wheeled by the door. Bo goes out and tells her to hurry up, because he's already been holding the ring too long and wants her to wear it again. NOW HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED: Gabrielle said "I love you, it's going to be OK" and Bo said "Yeah." That "yeah" was an encouragement, it was in response to the "it's going to be OK" :)
Scene Three
Larry informs everyone that everything's been going well so far, and Bo asks that Gabrielle's all right then? Larry reassures him, and when Max says "Well he didn't tell us very much" Bo said "At least there were no surprises."
Scene Four
Flash sings "I'm a little teapot" while everyone waits for news. Larry comes in.
Scene Five
Bo asks "How's Gabrielle?" and Larry informs them that everything went fine. They're going to be observing Gabrielle and Al is on his way to recovery. Marcie leaves to see him. Bo tells Max that he is going to wait for word on Gabrielle so Max can go see his son. When the room clears out, Bo turns around and looks at the ring. Then he wipes a single tear from his eye.
THAT'S ALL :) Can't wait for tomorrow!!
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[> Re: Today's episode... -- Feen, 15:07:51 09/18/03 Thu
Whoo Hoo!!
Great recap, Michy! Can you do more?? I'm serious! You rock at it!
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[> Re: Today's episode... -- Beth, 21:22:49 09/18/03 Thu
Oh no Michy, Bo said "I love you too after she said it. Turn your tv up louder and you will definitely hear it. He whispers it to her. I rewound it cuz some people (not naming any names said he didn't even say it back when in fact he most certainly did. So turn up your tv and you'll hear it! Not that it matters if he didn't say it because it already been established that he does in fact love this woman but to just set the record straight for some out there, go back and check your tape cuz the Bo man said I love you too back to his wonderful Fiancee!!!
Michy, great recaps!!!! You should do those everyday girl! And the new background is AWESOME! THE BEST!!!!!
I absolutley love it:)
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[> [> Re: Today's episode... -- Michelle, 07:43:27 09/19/03 Fri
See, when I saw it the first time I remembered hearing him say it too!! And then I too heard those people say that he didn't say it at all, so I agreed to go back and watch it again (and because Fiona didn't get to see it so she wanted a recap) and I didn't hear him say it. But I do remember that he said SOMETHING WHILE she was saying "It's going to be OK" so that must have been when he said it :) Thank GOD :)
"Michy, great recaps!!!! You should do those everyday girl! And the new background is AWESOME! THE BEST!!!!!"
Thanks so much :)
*wanders around aimlessly*
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