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Date Posted: 11:00:36 06/02/04 Wed
Author: From SoapCentral
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP" on 10:57:56 06/02/04 Wed

Bo confronts a rapidly unspooling Niki about the job offer to Gabrielle. After some tap dancing, Niki finally admits the strings attached to the Banner's Style Editor position, claiming that she is concerned about whatever he and his roommate are doing. Bo answers that he doesn't need anyone butting into his life and how uncharacteristic it is for Viki to meddle in the affairs of others. Niki then breaks into tears, plays up both how Gabrielle tried to kill her "daughter" (Megan), and the woes of her marriage to Ben.

Soon the phone rings, it's a wrong number. Never one to miss an opportunity, Niki seizes on it, pretending that it's Ben on the other end of the line giving her a hard time. Niki is delighted when Bo proposes a lunch date to discuss the "problems" she's been having with her husband and unwittingly agrees to let the job offer to Gabrielle stand, sans strings.

Al talks to his Mom about her true feelings for Bo, but Gabrielle refuses to reveal them, instead she dwells on her catastrophic past with men.

Bo tells Gabrielle she's the new Style Editor for The Banner, without having to move out of the apartment. Delighted by the news, she embraces Bo and the two engage in a long, deep passionate kiss.

Bo and Gabrielle are engaged in a very passionate kiss. When the kiss ended there were sorries all the way around. Gabrielle out of breath explains if she is going to work at the Banner she must get organized and must not get overwhelmed. As she fumbles to the door, she finds Asa standing there. Bo and Gabrielle look perplexed and a little guilty.

Gabrielle excuses herself and Bo lays into Asa about Gabrielle. He states they are just friends. Is that clear? Asa wonders, clear to who, me or you? Bo is tired of everyone wondering about him and Gabrielle. Asa says when he came in, Bo was standing there like he swallowed a raw fish and Gabrielle rushed out like the house was on fire and he wants to know what that was all about.

Asa promises Bo he will not interfere with him and Gabrielle any longer. In fact he found the perfect woman for him, and convinces him to go out to dinner with her.

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[> Re: GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP -- From BagelCraze ;) With Michy improv, 18:53:53 06/03/04 Thu

Bo: I’m -- ahem -- I’m --

Gabrielle: I’m sorry.

Bo: Sorry. I’m -- no --

Gabrielle: I’m -- I *so* sorry. I don't know what that, um --

Bo: Huh?

Gabrielle: Do you know if I'm going to do this job at "The Banner," I have so many things to get organized. You don't --

Bo: Yeah.

Gabrielle: Don't want to be overwhelmed. We -- mustn't be overwhelmed. Uh -- um -- see you -- see you.

Bo: Yeah.

~*Next Scene*~

Gabrielle: Bo, you -- your father's here. Nice to see you. Bye!

Asa: What was that all about?

Bo: Sounded to me like she was trying to say good-bye.

Asa: Uh-huh. [laughs] She's usually not that easy to get rid of.

Bo: No, stop. Just stop right there.

Asa: Stop what?

Bo: I want you to stop making life tough for somebody who I happen to like, and for me, too. And you can stop trashing Gabrielle right to her face and stop telling me to get rid of her. And if you can't stop all of that, then just stop stopping by here.

Asa: Whoa! Hold on, Bo. Anything that I did, I did to protect you.

Bo: No, I don't need your protection or anybody else's, ok? Because I make my own choices, which means I choose my own friends, and that's what Gabrielle is -- she's a friend. Yeah, we share this place and we share a few laughs, but that's it! All right? Is that clear?

Asa: Clear to who, Bo? Me or you?

Bo: You know what? I’m tired of people wondering about me and Gabrielle.

Asa: Yeah? She's under your roof. People are going to wonder what else she's under.

Bo: Well, you know what? That's their problem because I’m too busy to worry about what other people think.

Asa: Oh, yeah, you were too busy. When I came in here, you were standing there like you swallowed araw fish. Gabrielle charged out of here like the place was on fire. What was that all about?

Bo: Gabrielle and I weren't doing anything, and that's the last time you get to ask.

Asa: All right.

Bo: But?

Asa: But what? If you tell me that she is a roommate and your buddy, and if that's fine with you --

Bo: Yeah?

Asa: Then it's fine with me. I will not, I promise, interfere anymore.

Bo: What are you up to?

Asa: Bo, I’m serious. That's what I came over here to tell you -- partly.

Bo: Hmm. What's the other part?

Asa: Oh, I got to tell you real good news. I met a terrific woman.

Bo: Oh, Pa, what are you -- are you serious? What about Reneé?

Asa: What about her? It's not for me. It's for you. I thought maybe you'd, you know, like to take her out. You are a free man, right?

~*Next Scene*~

Niki: [As Viki] Yes?

Gabrielle: [flashes back to the kiss, then shakes out of it] I -- I thought I’d stop by because I wanted to thank you for offering me the position at "The Banner."

Niki: You're welcome. Is that it?

Gabrielle: Well... I also wanted to thank you for lifting your conditions -- give up my friendship with Bo or there's no job -- and I just wanted to tell you that I’m very grateful that you changed your mind.

Niki: So you're not moving out of Bo's?

Gabrielle: No. No, Bo convinced me to stay as -- as a friend, that's all.

Niki: A word to the wise, Gabrielle. If you want things to go smoothly at my newspaper, then you keep things the way they are: friends -- nothing more.

Gabrielle: Oh, Viki, what I have with Bo is perfect just the way it is and I have no intentions of complicating things.

Niki: Good for you. Well, love to stay and chat, kettle's boiling. [tries to close the door]

Gabrielle: Oh, uh, wait just one second. Look, is there anything I need to do to prepare for my new position at "The Banner"?

Niki: Nope. [slams the door in her face, Gabrielle looks perplexed] [As herself] Can't she take a hint? Now, if the brats would just leave me alone, and if Ben would stay gone for a little while longer, I might have a few minutes just to be me! Me! Niki Smith!

~*Next Scene*~

Bo: Take care, Pa.

Asa: Ah, you, too, son.

Gabrielle: Oh, leaving so soon?

Asa: Yes, I said my piece. I told Bo I was not going to interfere anymore, and I’m not. I’ll see you around, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: What happened with him?

Bo: What? Nothing. He uh -- I don't know, not much. Listen, Gabrielle. About that kiss --

Gabrielle: Oh. That was barely a kiss, Bo.

Bo: What would you call it?

Gabrielle: [struggles] Gesture of friendship. [apprehensively] Don't you agree?

Bo: Absolutely.

Gabrielle: Yeah. They do it in Europe all the time.

Bo: Yeah, that's what I hear.

Gabrielle: [nods] Right. Now, shall we do the usual, takeout for dinner?

Bo: Well, you know what? You're going to have to do it without me because I had something -- something came up.

Gabrielle: Oh. What?

Bo: Huh?

Gabrielle: What came up?

Bo: Well -- oh, you'd never believe it, but, uh............ I got a date. [shrugs] [Gabrielle smiles and tries to appear indifferent, but fails miserably]

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[> [> Re: GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP -- Feen, 11:53:57 06/05/04 Sat

Michy, I loved reading that!! That is such a great day! Bo and Gabrielle had fireworks that burst into the sky every waking moment that they were together!


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[> [> [> Re: GESTURE OF FRIENDSHIP -- Emily, 22:41:54 07/09/04 Fri

Awwww. Thanks for this! I'm missing Gabrielle and she's been gone so long. And, this made me smile. I hope she does come back, declared dead my foot!

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