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Date Posted: 03:44:09 02/18/04 Wed
Author: John Thomas Magnus
Subject: Chapter 63: "Face To Face" (Rated NC-17 for sexual content.)

I had spent the ride home lost in thought. I had never feared death, in fact I accepted it when I was young thinking that at least I would deserve anything that happened to me in Hell. Besides, a warrior has to embrace death to do his job. But it seemed... wrong and right at the same time to have died and yet still be alive. One shot from someone who was a weak fighter... Was he stronger than he was in the Dragonball Z universe or was I weaker for some reason? How would all this affect the future? Was I supposed to be alive now? Even walking across the complex all of this weighed on my mind... Maybe because Vegita would side with us because of Amanda, Hades had chosen Nappa as one of his generals? Or one of Hades' generals had chosen Nappa as his lieutenant? Once inside I dropped my vest, gloves, grenades, and guns on the chair, sat down on the couch, pulled my boots off, and began thinking... thinking... thinking...

How long I sat there I don't know. But when I looked around, the room was dark, no lights were on, SETI was on the monitor, and the only other being in the room was Jessica, in her bare feet, leaning against the wall by the key rack. Even wearing her jumpsuit, the lack of gloves, boots, webgear, and dog-tags gave her a look of innocence that if one didn't know, they would never guess that not even a week ago she had to kill someone she once loved...

"Still up?"

I nodded, my neck sore from sitting in the same position as long as I must have, "Can't stop thinking about what happened earlier. Both my death and Nappa's power."

Jessica walked across the room and sat down next to me, "Planning on getting some sleep?"

"Too much on my mind, but I've worked for longer on less sleep. I can handle it."

"I know for a fact, J.T., that the last time you slept was the night before we went to the mall: almost four days ago, for six hours. Low-Light, maybe could last longer on that much sleep, but you can't."

"'Thenny..." I paused, "Maybe this was all a mistake... Both of us take risks, what if we fail at one? How will the survivor deal with it?"

"We both knew what we were getting into."

Turning to look at her, I asked, "Did we?"

"Yes, we did. Maybe too well, if it scares you so much." She smiled in return, almost smirking, "Now either get to sleep or I'm making you put that insomnia to use."

"What use would that be?"

Jessica took hold of my shoulders, "Guess." Then she shoved me sideways onto the couch.

Pushing myself back up into a sitting position, I asked her, "What happened to waiting until after we're wed?"

She smiled that smile of her's again, "Like you said, 'we're both soldiers, it's never over.'" She put her hand on my chest, gently pushing me back down and this time coming with me, "No more waiting."

(WARNING! At this point, the chapter becomes rated NC-17. If you are under seventeen or the legal age for your area or you do not wish to read about consensual sex between two consenting adults read no farther. The author is NOT responsible for the actions of any who choose to read past this... WARNING!)

I ran the fingers of my right hand through her hair, "Are you sure about this?"

That got me a dirty look, "What are we doing, making an amature porn video?"

"'When one is doing a foolish thing, you should tell them it is a foolish thing. They may not heed, but at least the truth will be where it should.'" I quoted, letting my fingers slip out of her hair and down her face, neck, and chest until they encountered her tank-top, "I still remember when I... Your me..."

Jessica caressed my cheek with her left hand, the hand with her engagement ring on it, "J.T., you are my J.T., now and forever. How often must I tell you that?" She paused, "Yeah, so do I, I had been commenting on how so many of the Joes wore green shirts with red collars that you finally just hung this on my door with a note telling me to..."

"'Join the horde.'" We finished together, then broke down into giggles. With a reassured smile, I traced the scar along her jawline with my left hand as her's trailed up and brushed against the scar I had recently recieved over my right eyebrow. My hands moved towards her shoulders, gently moving along chest and neck until they reached the neckline of her jumpsuit. Slowly I spread the opening and slipped the jumpsuit down until she could take her arms out of the sleeves without much trouble.

As soon as her arms were out of the sleeves, Jessica began untucking my shirt and running her hands along my stomach and chest. Then she gave a short laugh.


"I just remembered something else, 'Engaged couples can do this! Engaged couples can do that! Engaged couples can do whatever they like!'"

Even with my hands on her arms I chuckled, "Been reading around in my internet favorites, haven't you?"

"I was trying to figure you out."


"Still no clue."

"Smart-ass." Without taking my hands off her arms, I craned my neck up and kissed her on the lips.

"Are we going to keep this up all night?"

"Weren't you the one who didn't want to turn our first time into a bad amature porno?"

"It shouldn't be any kind of porno, there's no camera running."

With a grin, I remarked, "Let me up and I can fix that."

Jessica began to slip off my shirt, "Not even if Leatherneck proposed to First Aid right in front of our eyes."

As the shirt passed over my head I muttered, "'Stranger things have happened.' And I've witnessed most of them and caused the rest..."

She brought her arms and my hands over my head to finish removing my shirt, "It's part of the job."

I tried, but I couldn't help myself, "Is this one of the perks?"

That got me a pure Sergeant glare, "Officers..." She thought for a moment, fiddling with the dragon necklace and dog-tags I was wearing, "One word about 'nothing sexier than someone you have to salute in the morning' and I'm throwing you through the window."

My hands were still over my head and I took the opportunity to stretch lazily.

"See, you're in a better mood already."

Bringing my hands down and together behind my head I answered with a smile, "Just thinking that I might not be a 'good man,' but I still can't be kept down."

The hand that wasn't fiddling with my necklace disappeared between us and began to undo the buttons of my fatigues, "Nope, you certainly can't."

"Hey, KAY's supposed to be the immature one of us three."

"I'm being honest, not immature, there's a difference," she stuck her tounge out at me, "NOW I'm being immature."

I brought my hands from behind my head and pulled her tank-top, by the shoulder straps, over her head as best as I could, "'Don't stick your tounge out at me, Kid.'"

Jessica's response was muffled by her tank-top.


Again, the response was muffled.

By now I was smiling again, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, what was that?"

Abandoning necklaces and fly she took her top the rest of the way off, "I SAID, 'Keep calling me Kid and I call you Old Man.'"

"'Old?!'" was my answer, complete with incredulous look, "Do I have to show you just how NOT 'old' I am?"

Her retaliation was fast and brutal, "Would you?"

And I think it caused my eyes to pop about ten feet out of my skull.

Jessica laughed at the look on my face, "I still got it."

I caught her wrists on their way back down, "Oh, you do, do you?"

That got me another stuck-out tounge. One which, ignoring the fact that the only thing covering her upper body at this point was a strapless black bra, I immediately clamped my lips on and gave a humming "ha-ha" as a counter. This led her to pulling her tounge back into her mouth, which brought our lips together in one of the most passionate kisses we had shared so far. Someone had once said that to kiss was to attempt to absorb the soul of the other person. I don't know much about that, Tsang Sung, I ain't, but I think that in that kiss I tasted everything that makes Jessica, Jessica: The heat of passion like the heat of the Arizona deserts she grew up in. The inner storm of one who takes risks for the fun of it. The cold of focus she shows when in battle. The soft feeling of the light-heartedness of her good moods and the stone-like hardness of her bad ones. If that's what they meant, then I can think of few better ways to discribe kissing the one you love, knowing that the two of you are on the verge of sharing everything with each other; soul, body, heart, future...

Bringing our hands down, I released her wrists and slipped my arms around her, working on her bra's clasp.

She raised an eyebrow as it came undone with little effort, "Impressive."

"You should see what I can do in bad weather," I commented, referring to my habitual training during storms.

"Why, J.T.," with an exaggerated version of the traditional 'shocked lady' look, "We've only started and ALREADY you're wanting our next time to be in a storm?"

I played along, "Well, it was either that or in the middle of a firefight."

Minutes passed with us simply laying there, arms wrapped around each other, her head laying on my chest. Neither of us making a move to pull her bra from between or to continue undressing, as if doing so would break the spell of love and peace that seemed to hang over the world that night and bring an end to the moment all too quickly.

"J.T., would you do something for me?"


"Sing for me."

I smiled, most people's requests regarding my musical ability involved duct tape and silence. "~~I’m just tryin’ to be a father, raise a daughter and a son
Be a lover to their mother, everythin’ to everyone
Up and at ‘em bright and early, I’m all business in my suit
Yeah I’m dressed up for success, from my head down to my boots
I don’t do it for money, there’s bills I that I can’t pay
I don’t do it for the glory, I just do it anyway
Providing for our future’s, my responsibility
Yeah I’m real good under pressure, being all that I can be
And I can’t call in sick on Mondays when the weekend’s been too strong
I just work straight through the holidays, and sometimes all night long
You can bet that I stand ready, when the wolf growls at the door
Hey I’m solid, hey I’m steady, hey I’m true down to the core.

And I will always do my duty no matter what the price
I’ve counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice
Oh and I don’t want to die for you, but if dyin’s asked of me
I’ll bear that cross with honor, cause freedom don’t come free.

I’m an American Soldier, an American
Beside my brothers and my sisters, I will proudly take a stand
When liberty’s in jeopardy, I will always do what’s right
I’m out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight
American Soldier, I’m an American, Soldier.

An American Soldier, an American
Beside my brothers and my sisters, I will proudly take a stand
When liberty’s in jeopardy, I will always do what’s right
I’m out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight
American Soldier, I’m an American, an American, an American Soldier.~~"Although I had started the song with a low, almost romantic tone, I had gathered such force and emotion by the end that I was fighting back tears, something that often happened with "American Soldier."

Jessica turned her head and looked me in the eyes, "It's hard, isn't it? Being able to do so much in terms of ability and so little to make things better?"

"Yeah. With only a few attacks... In only moments... I could... Hell, Alex, Amanda, Kay, Morti, or even you now could wipe out any conventional threat... But what gives us that right? 'The Might of Right' or 'The Right of Might', that is the question..."

There was an uncomfortable silence, then...

"You don't have to do everything to win, 'Captain America,' I mean what was it you liked to say when you got took out during a training session and your team still won? 'You don't have to be the best, just be better than the other side?' You don't have to bring final victory, all you have to do is tip the scales in favor of life, liberty, and happiness."

I stared into those clear blues for a moment, "Have you been taking lessons from Psych-Out?"

"Shut up and kiss me, Major."

For once in my life, I obeyed an order: I raised my shoulders and head up more and again merged our lips together, holding her sides for dear life and praying for the future. Sliding my hands around to her back, I began to trail them downward, past where the top of her jumpsuit had gathered at her waist. She raised her legs slightly and I slid her jumpsuit down as far as I could with my hands before I couldn't stretch my arms any farther.

"I'll take it from here."

Telling me that, Jessica rose onto her hands and knees, straddling me and allowing her jumpsuit to drop to her knees. Raising and pushing it off first one leg, then the other, she left herself clad only in a pair of black panties best discribed as a female version of boxer-briefs.

"Gods, you're so beautiful," I said, reaching a hand up and cupping one of her 36C cup breasts.

"Oh, no, you don't." She replied, removing my hand, "Get them off, THEN we'll talk." After adding her pantiies to the pile, Jessica laid back down, this time on her side between me and the back of the couch.

"Vixen." I muttered as I sat up and began undoing the water-resistance tie-seals at my ankles. Then off came the socks before I finished what Jessica had started with my fly-buttons and the fatigues followed the socks. Finally the boxer-briefs I was wearing joined them.

"You know you love it."

"Not as much as I love you."

"Who are you and what did you do with J.T.?" Jessica teased as I pushed our discarded clothes off into the floor and laid back down facing her.

"Cute... Real cute..."

"Thank you, I know I am."

"No, that comment was cute. You, on the other hand, are gorgeous," was my retort.

"And you, on any hand, are a shameless flatterer."

"Whatever works."

"Oh, it works," she kissed me.

If we were any closer, I'd be inside her, and it scared me. In all my fantasys I had no trouble going beyond this point, but that was fantasy and this was reality. This was a real relationship that could go wrong, even with us engaged. I loved her, I love her still, I loved her and didn't want to lose her.



I laid my left arm across her and caressed her back, "I'm afraid."

"So am I."

"I'm afraid of losing you."

"Remember what I told you? 'You're not getting rid of me that easily.'"

Reahing my other hand under and pulling her close to me, I kissed her. Looking into her eyes I saw a fire of passion burning brightly.

"J.T.. Hurry."

Our kissing became more frenzied and hungered until I broke away and began trailing my lips downward on her silken skin. Down her neck, through the valley between her firm breasts, across her well-toned stomach, then I reached...

"You shave," it was a statement, not a question. Not waiting for an answer I began to kiss her neatherlips.

Jessica gasped, "J.T.!" I kept up my slow, gentle kisses. "J.T...." My tounge slowly made its way inside her, preparing the way in rhythm to her moans.

With a devilish grin I began to take my revenge for her earlier comment about ages. I pulled my tounge out and began kissing my way back up her body.

"J.T., what are you doing?!"

"If I was 'old,' this," I flicked my tounge at her belly button and delighted in the shudder it caused, "wouldn't have gotten that reaction. Now, would it?"

"Dammit, J.T.!" Jessica tried to push me back down to her teased and abandoned clit.

"Can't damn now, busy," I joked, just before licking her cleavage.


"One, it's nice to see you have a thorough command of my name. Two, is it just me or has your vocabulary decreased?"

"Very fun-NEEE!!" She shrieked as I ran my hand across the swollen nub I had distracted her from. With a gasp her body tensed and as in my dreams, I felt her sweet release.

As she laid there, eyes closed and a blissful expression on her face, I crawled up to be face to face with her.

"Suki da yo, 'Thenny..."


"Hai, aisai."

"We're not married yet, J.T."

"Once you've confessed it to yourselves and God, for all intents and purposes you're married, the rest is just legalities. And have we ever worried about legalities?"

"J.T.... I love you, but you need to learn to just do things and not worry about opinions... even mine."

"'Thenny..." I reached my hands down and took hers in them, "Yours is as important to me as mine."

Jessica cracked an eye open, "If you make one comment about how you'll still respect me, you'll be calling us long distance for retrieval when you land."

"Too bad I don't have a coal shovel."

Both eyes opened in curiosity, "What? No, wait, don't tell me. I don't think I want to know..."

Our heads tilted forward until our foreheads touched and we remained like that for a moment.

"I love you."

"I know."

"Will it hurt you?"

She gently smiled, "No."

With my erection at her entrance, I slowly began entering the one I loved, eyes still closed, wishing I could bear any of the pain she might feel from it...

I suppose in my heart, even then, I knew just how much I wanted and more importantly, NEEDED her...

And I learned then that she needed me just as much as she pushed forward to engulf me.


"J.T." she whispered with a quivering voice, "I know it brings memories of Star, but... Say my name... my real name, just once..."

"Jessica..." I whispered...

In response, she leaned her head forward further to rest it against my shoulder.

I repeated, more emotional, "Jessica..."

Jessica breathed in deeply and sighed just as deeply...

"JESSICA-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The sensations of being with her, of being in her, of her were all too much for me to bear. They sent me over the edge, I felt myself stiffen just before I came, our fluids mingling between us and inside her. My hands clutching hers brought them up and together at our chests as I began to relax.

"Where do we go from here?"

I released her hands and gently brushed a kiss against her soft cheek, "We sleep. We rest. And we leave tomorrow until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow never comes, Johnnie."

"Exactly," I paused, "Johnnie... No one's ever called me that before... Kella."

"Kella and Johnnie... to no one else, just each other..."

"It's your turn."


"Sing for me, Kella..."

She pulled away slightly and appeared to have a new light around her, a light that only those who have loved with both body and soul can have. "~~Run your fingers through my hair and softly kiss my lips
Hold me close in your embrace and love me face to face

Face to face heart to heart body to body
Tingling tangle feelings lovers face to face

I'll caress your body and hold you close to me
I'll slide my hands around your waist and love you face to face

Face to face heart to heart body to body
Lips on lips arm and arm body to body
Tingling tangle feelings lovers face to face~~"

I joined her and we sang the last verse together, "~~Softly say you love me as you make love to me
No one else can take your place we happen face to face~~"

Jessica snuggled closer as I reached down to the foot of the couch to pull the blanket up from where it had been piled. Draping it over us I kissed her on the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Kella..."

"Sleep well, Johnnie..."

That night the two of us slept under the same blanket as the first night. But not as two people who were attracted to each other simply sharing a blanket. That night it was as lovers...

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