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Date Posted: 01:03:07 02/19/04 Thu
Author: J.T.
Subject: Chapter Sixty-Four: "Hometown Honeymoon"

The next morning, I woke up to the comforting weight of Jessica's head resting on my chest, and as unromantic as it sounds, roared and snarled instead of yawning. She didn't wake, but simply turned her head over and worked her way deeper into the covers.

"Still do that, I see." I looked across the room to the source of the voice and saw what you could call an old friend...


The battle hardened black teen nodded his flat-topped head.

As a response, I simply yawned, this sort of thing was not weird anymore... Never had been actually...

"SO, why did who send a dead guy to bother me on the morning after?"

"Oh, that, uh... Oh yeah, this black guy in a white suit, looks just like Morgan Freeman, and some white dude in a red suit told me to tell you... Well, the black guy said it one way and the white guy another, but still they said the same thing..."


"Rambling again, wasn't I? Sorry. Basically I was sent to tell you to, to quote the white boy, 'get your lizard ass in gear and find the damned weapons, Insanos.'"

"Lucifer never was polite about anything... Thanks, bro..."

"No problem, now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting to watch Devastator's torture."

"Make sure they get him once for me... and for Sabre... and Brick... Rev... Fix-it... Shooter... Sci-Fi... Zandar... Ghostrider... Lowlight..." I recited the names of the other Frontliners and Devastator's alternate reality counterpart.

"Oh, yeah..." Honda slowly faded down through the floor.

Old ghosts visiting was an interesting twist to waking up, but not enough to phase me. Stroking Jessica's flaming hair, I thought about what weapons he was talking about...


The three of us crossed our swords.

"Till all is won."

"Till all is won."

"Till all is won."



At her shout, I shook my head and looked into Jessica's concerned face, "Hm?"

"You zoned out for a while there."

"Sorry, Kella..."

"Having second thoughts...?"

"No. There's nothing to regret..." I paused, watching her visably relax, "I just got a visit from an old friend."

"Anyone I'd know?"

"Before I was the XO of Joe, I was COing the Frontline unit."

"So I've heard. Uncle Zandar was part of that," a pause, "So was Devastator."

"Yeah, when Devastator turned on us, one of our number, codename: Honda, bought it. Had an interesting talk with him just now..."

"A talk. With a dead man." Jessica shook her head slightly, "I'm beginning to miss the normal-weird stuff that the Joes did..."

"Like how they'd always make sure they'd be doing something strange outside the main building when us and the rest of the command staff ended the monthly meeting?"


We laid there for a moment...

"I've been thinking..."

"And the world hasn't ended?"

"Ha, ha, ha, Kella... I'm not sure I want to stay here when this is over..."

At that, Jessica brought herself up onto her elbows, "What?"

"If we can... I want us to live in your world..."

"Johnnie... Why?"

"The choice is between this one and yours."

"Good point," she nodded.

"Hey, don't forget us."

With a start Jessica and I tossed the blanket over our heads to cover up, shouting simultaniously, "KAY!"

"One question... 'Johnnie,' 'Kella?'"

"What the hell do you want, Kay?" Jessica complained.

"'Johnnie,' 'Kella?'

"Ok, let's try this the old fashioned way..." I slipped one hand out from under the blanket... one hand holding a chaingun pulled from subspace, "Why are you bothering us, bro?"

"Ravage picked up a big source of energy in Ireland consistant with Dragonfire, thought you might be interested."

"We are. Now out." The tone she used brooked no discussion of the matter.

After Kay had left, Jessica began dressing again.

"J.T.? Something wrong?"

"Just... watching..."

"Watch later, right now we're back on duty."

I gave her a mocking salute, "Yes, MA'AM."

"Just get dressed..."

As it had each time I used it, my Dragonfire started at my chest and burned outward, my discarded clothes igniting as I used it to cheat in dressing. There was a noticable difference this time, instead of the pure grey it had been all times previous, it was now flecked with purple... Athena's shade of purple...

"What's with the new outfit?" Athena asked, referring to the different uniform I was wearing than the one I had took off the preceeding night.

Black fatigue pants, a Desert Eagle strapped to my right thigh and kneepads on. Long sleeved grey shirt, the sleeves pushed up to just below my elbows, gloves with extra padding at the wrist and back of the hand, the vest was the same, but the shoulder holster was gone. Instead I now wore a gun belt holding a heavily modified Baretta at my left hip, a black, brown, and green 'Nam-tiger pattern bandanna around my forehead completed the ensemble.

"New life, New love, New suit." I reached into a subspace pocket and drew out a dark blue bundle, holding it out to her, "Speaking of which... I was going to give this to you as a wedding gift, but under the circumstances..."

Athena let the bundle unfold, the contents dropping onto the couch.

"A... jean vest?"

"Kevlar-lined. And the guns are Barettas, modified same as mine, built in laser sight and reinforced intergrated silencer, uses the same .50 cal. rounds as the Desert Eagle."

"You really know how to please a girl," she commented as she drew and dropped her Desert Eagles on the couch and replaced them in the holsters with her new Barettas.


She shrugged on the vest, "Always, Turbo."

I followed her down the hall to Kay's workshop/room. She gestured for me to do the knocking and I obeyed, then barged on in.

Kay, that is to say, he was in uniform and thus Blaze was twirling his mace impatiently while Ravage extended and retracted his claws in robot mode, "You two ready?"

"We were ready before I came to get you. Are YOU two ready?"

"Just get moving, I'm gonna call Dubya and try to get something sent to Chattanoga to fly us to Ireland."

Turning and heading back down the hall towards the living room and the front door there, I pulled my cell out of my pocket and dialed a number in the District.

"Hello, Mr. President. Yes. We're fine, thank you. Yes. Yes, actually, we need air transport from the Chattanoga, Tennessee airport to Ireland, sir. You'll have a Galaxy diverted? Thank you, sir. Have a good day."

I looked over my shoulder at the others who had entered the room, "Let's roll." I paused and tossed the phone to Blaze, "And YOU'RE the one who gets to inform the others of what we're up to."

"Aw... MAN!" Blaze complained as I went out the door, he probably swore after Athena followed me.

Jogging towards Ironhide I didn't bother trying to repress my smile, revenge was good and life was even better...

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