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Date Posted: 22:10:47 02/26/04 Thu
Author: REBB01
Subject: Harpuia

Name: Harpuia
Japanese Name: Harupyuia
Affiliation: Neo-Arcadia
Weapon of Choice: Twin Blades
Appearances: Mega Man Zero, Mega Man Zero 2
Current Status: Alive, Active

Character History
Harpuia was designed after a famous Reploid with modifications to make him more powerful, and was designated as one of the Four Guardians of Copy X. Faithful to his master, the copy of X, he oversaw a pupil, Herculious Anchus. After Zero saved a Resistance member, Colbor, from Harpuia, he also defeated his pupil Herculious. Harpuia leapt to defend the inner sanctum of the X clone, but X told him to fall back and he did so. Following the fall of Copy X, Neo-Arcadian government appointed Harpuia to the post formerly occupied by Copy X. It is he who finds Zero in the desert unconscious and returns him to the new Resistance Base.

Character Analysis
Harpuia has a distinct set of personality traits. While under the leadership of Copy X, he was a ruthless and cruel enforcer. He slaughtered an entire group of Resistance soldiers without a seconds thought, and intended to do the same to Zero. While on the surface he appears to be a controlled madman, he exhibits different traits after the fall of Copy X, including the surprising revelation that he does not really want to destroy the Resistance, but merely protect the humans. His sense of duty as revealed in Mega Man Zero 2 indicates a far deeper personality than the other two remaining Guardians. On a deeper level, Harpuia is the most like the original X.

After Fusion
Harpuia Was fused with Cell of DBZ and it seems to have regressed his pesonality back to the contoled madman aspect, he has lost any caring for humanity he may have had before as well as his thirst for power has incresed tenfold. Warning-most likely to try to betray leader but with his new powers he may succeded.

Sonic Boom, Plasma Bit, Izuna Drop, Thunder Strike, Mirage Dash&Rising Blade, Super Sonic Boom, Magnet Typhoon,He has also been given the abilty to absorb people back as well as all of Perfect Cell's abiltys Such as regeneration, Teloportation,Ki blasts, etc.

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