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Date Posted: 01:52:24 06/23/04 Wed
Author: REBB01
Subject: CH. 69 Houstion we have a plot devloment

CH. 69 (Don’t go there)

As I landed I extracted my mind from the A.A. A little bit relieved as the dizziness that always accompanied transferring my continuos else were, it is the one power that was the hardest to except for the torubles that could come with it, the fear of not being able to get back.

As I opened the main hatch I tried to yell over the wind.

“Get in, get in don’t Let all the heat out!”

I closed off the blasting cold.

“There now if you wold please take a seat We can get under way.”

“First, what the hell is this thing.” J.T. snapped.

“I will explain all you want to know, but first as the saying goes sit down, shut up, and hold on.”

As the A.A. leapt from the snow I put it on a course that would set us at fallback in three hours (hey you fly that in a normal plane and see how long it would take you we is making good time.).

“First I would like to welcome you abroad one of the projects I have been working on. Quite the looker huh?”

“REBB you brought us here to look at a new toy?”

“No, Miss Parker I did not but instead I have done some scans of activity lately that may shed a new light on what we are dealing with.”

Kay piped up “Can I ask one question first, how are we fitting four people in a space that looked not big enough for three when we came in?”

“Ah the wonders of subspace gives room where there is none.” I said just a little to smugly.

“But we have bigger problems as our new friend down showed us when he tried to set off third impact J.T. butted in

“ But the thing is I don’t think that was the intention it had in coming here take a look at this.”

“It is another smoking crater just like so many that fight left behind after a fight like that.”

“This one was wasn’t caused by the fight.”

“What.” Damn all three at once

“ This one was caused by Zeruel on our original target as you can see there is nothing left Total vaporization then he moved on to us any guesses why?”

“You’re going to tell us right?”

“Hell no I don’t have clue either, but this is what I do know See these wave forms these represent the energy given off by an organism being here.”

“Like their life force?”

“Not quite it is more like a signature of who you are and where you belong, but it can also tell how you traveled here the color signifies this.”

All well and good but why is this impotent?” J.T. and Kay looked bored Miss Parker was much harder for me to read.

“You’ll see now this is the scan from a normal human, nice healthy shade of pink.
Now here is one of us that has been changed, gone from pink to deep red of the others I have scanned In passing all are the same color.
Next is one of the creatures that just happens to fall though the cracks in reality and wind up here, white is the color it gets don’t know why.
Now this is were it gets interesting this is a scan of Leviathan I took don’t ask how I got it. Green as the grass. For those that are puled though by your good friend Hades But this scan of our dearly departed Angel, bright blazing Orange. Now isn’t that pretty.”

“So what the hell does all that technobable mean.”

“ It means that we are dealing with five types here, the norms, Us, the randoms, those pulled, and those pushed.”


“Yes pushed, what ever got that Angel here was where it started from and you know what that may mean.”

“That Hades may not be our only problem.”

“And the lady gets it in one. Listen at my place we can get you refitted with better weapons For dealing with some of the things my observers have found out * and we can take it from there because the tech level on this planet will get you killed trying to go head to head with some of those things it was only by like of over kill that saved us this time even it was not at full strength.

“Why the hell did you not use your full strength?”

“Because it would have caused the very thing I was trying to prevent, you know second impact and all that.”

“Now We need to keep this under our hats for now just till tomorrow moral of the troops you know and the more I learn about this ugly iceberg the less I like it

*Giving you free reign to use any weapon you see fit to have. Just make share the planet survives

**Had some other stuff but decide to save it for later

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