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Date Posted: 13:23:16 06/23/04 Wed
Author: J.T.
Subject: Chapter Seventy: "A S.H.I.E.L.D. To Protect Them All."

I stood there at the back of the airship's bridge turning a small white piece of plastic over and over in my hand.

"Something wrong?"

I sighed, Athena had always been good at sensing my moods.

"You know me, You know I have trouble sharing command. I worry that the forced comprimise will put things at risk. I KNOW I have trouble putting that much trust in almost anyone."

"But that's not what you're thinking."


"That's your SHIELD I.D., isn't it?"


"Well, try it."

"Kella, you know you aren't comfortable around Nina."

"Johnnie, the world's at risk. Either way, one of us is gonna be uncomfortable no matter who we work with. And I'll be honest, I know Nick and his Agents better than who we're working with now."

I nodded, "Ok, Kella, you win..." I brought my wrist-com up to my mouth, "Turbo to Dropzone."

"/Dropzone here, Major./"

"I want you and Battle Ravage to secure the Roadbuster and Armadillo. We won't be staying long."

"/Roger, chief, where to?/"

"The Helicarrier."

I clicked off the wrist-com and switched freaks before saying the one thing that if he was out there would get Nicholas Joseph Fury's attention better than anything else, "Put out that cigar!"

"/Only if ya do sumin' about that bandanna a'yours, Jack./"

"Good to hear you too, Nick."

"/Mind tellin' me what the hell's goin' on?/"

"You want to know what's going on?" I stalked up to the controls to check our destination and relayed the co-ords to Nick, "Be there in about two hours with a transport."

"/Any special Agents ya want?/"

"Dum Dum, Pierce, Red, Network, You be there, and Scorpio if he'll come. Beyond that, it's up to you."

"/I hear ya, ya jus' be there when we get there./"

"You just have room on the Helicarrier, Nick. We're moving in."

The others who had been transformed probably were expecting me to stick around, but that wasn't my way. I was a leader, I didn't do that well when I couldn't lead. Besides, I couldn't lead the X-Men or Avengers so I couldn't lead this bunch of 'superheros'.

But an army of agents of the Strategic Hazard Intervention and Espionage Logistics Directorate...

With Nick Fury there backing me...

Now THAT I COULD lead.

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