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Subject: IRA chieves of staff (list in brief)

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Date Posted: Wed, Oct 20 2004, 8:59:24

Cathal Brugha (1874-1922) chief of staff (of Irish Volunteers actually) Oct 1917 – Apr 1919, resigned becoming Minister for Defence. Later (1922) killed in action. Got shot in Dublin by FS forces

Richard Mulcahy (1886-1971) chief of staff Apr 1919 - Jan 1922, resigned becoming Minister for Defence
(With Eoin O Duffy as Deputy CoS)

Eoin O Duffy (1892-1944) chief of staff (pro-Treaty) Jan 1922 – Jul 1922, resigned becoming commissioner of an Garda Síochána
(With J J “Ginger” O'Connell as Deputy CoS)

Joe McKelvey (?-1922) chief of staff (anti-Treaty) Jun 1922 ? captured following the surrender of the Four Courts in Dublin.
Other sources call him “OC of the IRA's Third Northern Division”, one of “Fianna Headquarters Staff”, “leading member of the Belfast IRA during the Tan War” who “after the split joined the anti-Treaty forces”

Liam Lynch (1893-1923) chief of staff (anti-Treaty) Apr 1922- Apr 1923. Mortally wounded in action
(With Ernie O Malley as Deputy CoS)

Frank Aiken (1896-1983) chief of staff Apr 1923 –1926, became a founder-member of Fianna Fáil

Maurice “Moss” Twomey (1896-1978) chief of staff 1926- 1936, was arrested after the government had outlawed the I.R.A. Jun 1936 - sentenced to 3 years in prison for membership in an illegal organization.

Sean MacBride (1904-1988) chief of staff 1936-1937 resigned from the IRA when Bunreacht na hEireann (the Constitution of Ireland) was enacted later that year

Tom Barry (1898-1980) chief of staff 1937-1938 resigned from the IRA, as he disagreed with the proposed bombing campaign in England

Sean Russell (?- 1940) chief of staff 1938- Aug 1940, died aboard of german submarine (over ulcer perforation)

Stephen Hayes (?-?) chief of staff 1940 –1941 was accused of being a Garda spy by some members of his own headquarters staff. He was kidnapped (by Sean MacCaughey)on June 30, court-martialed and tortured by the IRA.
“Hayes had a drink problem. The Fianna Fáil party and the police knew all this and pressurised Stephen Hayes. So it was the Fianna Fáil party and the police who ran the IRA for a short period.”
“He bought time for himself by writing an elaborate confession.
Some of those details were demonstrably untrue.
While writing the so-called confession he managed to escape from his captors, and he turned himself over to the gardaí for protection on September 8, 1941.
The affair seriously discredited the IRA. If the Chief of Staff was a spy, it was damaging, but it was even more damaging if he was not, because his colleagues tortured him to extract a false confession. ”

1941-1944: Schisms and splits were of frequent occurrence. The Hayes affair exacerbated these and the bitterness grew...

Hugh McAteer chief of staff 1941-1942
“Oct 1942 The Royal Ulster Constabulary announces the arrest of Hugh McAteer, the alleged chief of staff of the Irish Republican Army. McAteer is later convicted of treason and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Jan 1943 Hugh McAteer, Irish Republican Army chief of staff, escapes from a Belfast prison with 3 associates after serving 2 months of a 15 year sentence. A £3,000 reward is posted for his capture.
Nov 1943 Police in Northern Ireland recapture fugitive Irish Republican Army commander in chief Hugh McAteer.
Feb 1944 Chief of staff Hugh McAteer and 30 other Irish Republican Army prisoners begin a hunger strike to protest the refusal of Belfast jailers to separate them from non-political criminals, provide better food and allow them to wear civilian clothing.
Mar 1944 Irish Republican Army chief of staff Hugh McAteer and 2 other prisoners end their hunger strike
Jul 1945 Prime Minister de Valera announces the arrest and internment of former IRA chief of staff Hugh McAteer. McAteer who was released from Northern Ireland prison at the end of the European War is accused recruiting 40 IRA followers from among the 400 internees released by the Ireland from the Curragh camp and plotting with them to overthrow the Irish Government.”
On his escape:
On 15 January 1943, another escape was made from the prison. Of the four who got away one was the IRA's Chief of Staff, Hugh McAteer. All four men were serving long sentences at the time. The news made for sensational reading in the following day's papers. At the time there were three hundred internees and up to three hundred remand and sentenced prisoners being held at the jail. At 8.30am, while the rest of the prisoners were preparing to have their breakfast, the four escapees were scaling the back wall. The men went to the third floor toilets at the end of the landing at 'A' Wing where they had arranged to assemble once the warders' attention had been distracted. While there they hauled themselves up through a trap door in the ceiling. From the roofspace they were able to break a hole in the roof and gain access to the perimeter wall which they quickly scaled using a rope ladder made from sheets taken from their cells. A car which had been waiting outside drove them off to freedom. The identities of the four were soon wired to all the police stations around the North and a security cordon was erected around the City to try and capture their 'most wanted men.'

Pearse Kelly

Harry White ? (IC of IRA "Northern Command” at least)

Charlie Kerins (?-1944) chief of staff 1942-1944, was arrested in June of 1944 and climbed the scaffold on December 1st, 1944. When no Irish person would take the job, De Valera and Boland hired an English hangman

Sean MacCool chief of staff 1944-1945
“Jul 1945 Irish Republican Army chief of staff Sean MacCool is arrested and charged with plotting to assassinate John Gantley, superintendent of the Garda Siochana.”

Patrick “Paddy” Fleming chief of staff 1945-1947
(in 1939 Ultimatum was signed by Patrick Fleming, “on behalf of the Government and the Army Council of Óglaigh na h-Eireann”)

Willie McGuinness chief of staff 1947

Tony Magan (?-?) chief of staff 1948-1957
He wanted to create a new Army, untarnished by the dissent and scandals of the previous decade’, as J. Bowyer Bell put it, with ‘no shadow of a gangster gunman, no taint of Communisn, but a band of Volunteers solely dedicated to reuniting Ireland by physical force’

Richard Burke chief of staff 1957? Dublin unit of IRA

Sean Cronin chief of staff around 1957 ? Interned. Among otheres was released from the Curragh in 1959...
“Later it was a battle-team of two sometimes joined to another with a Section-Leader in charge making up five Volunteers. Other battle-teams could be added in extraordinary situations. This was Mac Lógáin's view early on and was accepted by Seán Cronin and the Army generally. ”

John Joe McGirl (1921-1988) chief of staff 1957-1958

Ruairí Ó Brádaigh (b. 1932) chief of staff 1958-1959, 1961-1962
Interview http://www.freewebs.com/saoirse/record/record08.htm

Cathal Goulding (1922-1998) IRA chief of staff 1962-1969 (OIRA founding member and chief of staff 1970-1972)

Sean MacStiofáin / John Stevenson (1930-2001) PIRA chief of staff 1969- Nov 1972
Interview http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/ira/inside/mac.html

Joe Cahill (1920- 2004) PIRA chief of staff Nov 1972 - Mar 1973. sentenced to three years by a court in Dublin for attempting to smuggle arms from Libya.
“the father of this generation of republicans.”

Doherty ? - Jun 1973 - Jul 1974

Seamus Twomey (?- 1989) PIRA chif of staff 1973 , Jul 1974 – Dec 1977
“It was the old IRA veteran who pioneered the car bomb blitz of central Belfast. Thanks to this rosary-bead rattling republican of the old school we had such glorious chapters of Irish history as Bloody Friday and Claudy. “

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Re: IRA chieves of staff (list in brief)sean croninThu, Nov 15 2007, 15:17:15

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