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Date Posted: 13:09:14 05/19/03 Mon
Author: Rose
Subject: Avril vs Amy-battle of the singers...

Amy Grant may be alot older than Avril Lavigne and she may have been a different style and genre of music, but heres what puts Amy way over Avril....

Both Avril and Amy were both first heard in church, Amy was discovered by Brown Bannister and Avril was by L.A. Reed, but...

Amy Grant had been out since 1978, at the age of 17 almost 18 (that's younger than Avril was)-Amy's voice was about as if not higher than Avril's but Amy's voice was more natural than Avril and her screeching-face it, naturally, Avril can't do all that whereas in every Cd, Amy is all natural with her voice...

At the age of 18, Amy was just recording her second CD, My Father's Eyes-I don't recall her ever making statements about other artists like Keith Green and slamming them because they didn't conform and fit her mold, which is what Avril does-she calls everyone a sell out who doesn't conform to her, yet she claims not to conform and let everyone "be themselves" hipocrisy at it's finest right there...

As Amy got older, her voice got lower and more mature, whereas Avril is so obviously very young and you can hear it in her voice, and though Amy is almost 43 years old, she learned from her experiences and put them in her music...All Avril does is take bad relationships and put them in her music and her horrible attitude, even Amy's secular music holds up better than Avril's and I think her song "Ask me" from "Heart in motion" with it's music and well written meaningful lyrics and blow all of Avril's songs away...

Though I know these are two totally different artists, I am just giving an example of someone who is more talented than Avril yet doesn't get all the recognition she deserves-but just because Amy's music isn't as brash and widely known as Avril's, doesn't mean that Avril is better because there are alot of people who deserve the credit more than she does-so Avril fans, don't think that just because she's famous that she's better than anyone else because I know what it's like to record and what it takes and how voices are smoothed out and made to sound better than they are and hers is DEFINATLY smoothed---To me, Avril is more of a sell out than Amy because Amy didn't ever compromise her Christian roots to sell a record, nor did she slam those who didn't conform to her image because Amy has no image, Amy is Amy whereas Avril is "punker Avril" or so she thinks...

The moral of this comparison is: Just because someone is famous doesn't make them talented, it just means they may have been at the right place at the right time whereas people who are actually talented and are also famous but not on such a large scale may be more talented-


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