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Date Posted: - Saturday - 01/11/14 - 7:44pm
Author: Richard Henderson (Frustrated in Mexicvo)
Subject: Water in the deisel fuel.

We are in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and like many parts of the world have just experienced mucho rain and high humidity while our M32 sat at her slip for 3 months without being started. We live 5 hours away and the guy that was suppost to be starting and taking care of her is long gone. Trying to start her I found indications of water in the fuel tank so it must also be throughout the entire system. The only mechanic I can find wants to know the proper filters to use as he has no internet access and my original manual for have mysteriously dissapeared. (Perkins 107) Any comments and info would be welcome. Having our wonderful "Malabar" in Paridise is much more of a challenge than it appears.

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[> Filters -- Paul, - Monday - 01/13/14 - 10:50pm

The Westerbeke/Perkins 4-107 come with the primary, engine mounted Baldwin fuel filter - if it is the cartridre type, i.e. with the can that screws off and has an element in it, that would be the Baldwin PF 816-S. Later models (I have the Westerbeke 40 which is basically the Perkins 4-108) you may have a cannister type as I do, i.e. the cannister gets squeezed between the (top) filter housing and a disc on the bottom and you still see the cannister after installing - that is likely a WIX 33166.

The secondary filter, i.e. off engine, if it is also a water separator with the clear bowl on the bottom could be a Racor 200 series (clamp-on top) or 500 series (T-handle screw-on top, and taller). These take I believe Racor 2000 or Racor 5000 elements, respectively at different filter capabilities. Racor says SM stands for 2 Micron; TM for 10 Micron PM for 30 Micron.

Ultimately only you know what you have on the boat - pehaps you even carry some spares - I have a bunch of Baldwins I can no longer use after the loss of my Mariner in Hurricane Sandy - I had 4 or 5 of the Baldwins as spares... now I have the WIX.

Once I too thought I had water throughout the system and I started the process of draining and sucking on lines, until I realized the Racor did its job and prevented the water from passing through - there's a ball in there that I believe floats on water but sinks in diesel and it effectively shuts down the supply to the engine if it (the supply) is water - the ball floats up and closes the outlet - at least it did for me and killed the engine. If this is the case all you need to do is drain the racor and the water from the tank - fill it all with fresh filters and clean diesel and you may be lucky as I was, and the little diesel may jump back to life.

Hope this helps - let us know how you make out. Perhaps others will chime in regarding the workings of the Racor - Maybe I am wrong, and I was just lucky.


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[> [> Oil filters -- Richard's Malabar (Thank you), - Monday - 01/20/14 - 11:26am

Thank you Paul this is helpful indeed.
We are retired and living at Lake Chapala Mexico (near Guadalajara) and have for 30 years. We moor "Malabar" 5 hours away in a marina in Puerto Vallarta. This is great except when there is a problem with the engine as parts and decent diesel mechanics are hard to come by.Added to this my knowledge of diesel engines is very limited. (I am now making a real effort to educate myself)
The mechanic I am working with has drained the tank and removed the pump and injectors and claims that the pump is o.k but should be cleaned and new gaskets, etc. replaced. The injectors are old and now faulty. He says that parts, filters and new injectors are not available in Mexico, which I can believe from past experience. I am now back in my home in Chapala and trying to locate necessary parts on the internet and get them shipped here.
Any ideas on a source.
Thanks again for filter info this helps greatly.
Saludos, Richard

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[> [> [> Parts -- Paul, - Monday - 01/20/14 - 7:10pm

This would be a good place to start...

Transatlantic Diesels: www.tadiesel.com

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[> [> [> [> Richards Malabar -- Richard, - Tuesday - 02/ 4/14 - 9:47pm

Paul I thank you,a starting place is a good start

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[> [> [> [> [> Perkins parts -- Shawn Munger (Joyfully motivated), - Saturday - 02/15/14 - 3:14pm

Perkins Parts, try Stuarts Marine, Seattle wa.

4600 Shilshole Ave NW, Seattle, WA
(206) 789-4600
They know Perkins.
I got everything I needed for my 4-108.

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