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Date Posted: - Saturday - 01/11/14 - 8:35am
Author: Carolyn (Happy)
Subject: Mariner 31 whisker pole size ?

Just acquired #113, have some work to do but she sails wonderfully right now. I have access to 2 whisker poles. One three section 12ft long, 2in wide, telescoping, twist lock, whisker pole. One two piece, extendable, 12ft, snap lock whisker pole.

Will either of these two work for me? If so, which one should I get?

If not, what size should I be looking for?

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[> 12-14 f would be good -- Ardi, - Sunday - 01/12/14 - 2:33pm

Some say that has to be as long as the distance between mast and forestay, some as long as the foot of the headsail you using and some don't know what they are talking about. Lol. The J on M31/32 is 13' so around that will be OK. You don't want to use a bigger piece because it gets heavier, harder to use and stress the mast more ( specially in an accidental jibe).
Now my suggestion would be to get the one with 2 pieces, less moving parts and lighter.

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[> [> "Mariner 31 whisker pole size ?" -- Carolyn, - Saturday - 01/18/14 - 7:48am

Can someone who actually uses a whisker pole on their M31 tell me what size the whisker pole is that they use, or that originally came with the boat? I spoke with Forespar and they said 10-18 in a three section, but I was hoping to get the best info from you sailors that actually use them. Thanks in advance.

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[> [> [> I have a 10-18 -- Ardi, - Friday - 02/28/14 - 9:29am

I have a 10-18, 2 pieces , got it for free from smb that had it in the shed. Wish I had a shorter one. Because like I said previously is bigger and heavier than what I would like to have, specially short handed and choppy seas. I would recommend top 16' unless you want to race and/or have enough crew that know what they are doing. If you use it for pleasure forget about all that stress that you will put on yourself and the boat for 1/10 of a knot that you will get with a bigger one.

Good luck

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[> Murre's Whisker Pole -- Randall, Murre, M31, - Monday - 02/10/14 - 1:50pm

Murre's is a one piece, aluminum pole. Came with the boat. Heavy: a bit of a bear to work in a seaway. Am not on the boat and so don't know exact length. Can measure next I'm there, but from memory it is about the J length or a little longer. I remember this because when clipped to the mast at about shoulder height, its outward end would not quite get around the jib stay/bow pulpit. I always had to completely take it down to shift tacks.

What are you using the pole for? I ask because given my 110% jib, my pole was just a tiny bit too short. Another foot of extension would have allowed me to flatten the sail and/or run the pole further off the shrouds. As it was I had to pull the pole as far aft as possible and so had to take great care to keep it off the shrouds. I only ever flew the spinnaker a couple times; that's the sail for which the pole was designed, I think, but am not much into spinnakers as a singlehander.

Link to photo of pole in action: http://murreandthepacific.com/#jp-carousel-2648

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[> [> Wisker Pole measurement ... another says... -- Randall, - Friday - 02/28/14 - 1:49am

Was reading another board tonight and found this possibly helpful comment re Spinnaker pole measurement. The poster is discussing a Westsail 32 whose pole length is 18 feet:

The "J" measurement of the W-32 is 18' 0". That is how the pole length was determined. If you only cruise, you can use any length you want at any time. If you ever race and are ever rated with a spinnaker then your pole length can not excede the "J" measurement without a penalty.

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