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Date Posted: - Wednesday - 02/26/14 - 11:10pm
Author: Henry
Subject: removal of m-31 rudder while in the water

I am trying to remove the rudder while the boat is in the water. How do I release the bottom of the rudder from the tube it is in? Will the rudder then drop past the prop without interference?

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[> start with taking the boat out of the water. -- Ardi, - Thursday - 02/27/14 - 8:52am

First of all , what's wrong with the rudder ? the second question is - do you want to take off, the rudder only or the hole thing rudder and rudder post ? The rudder is connected with the rudder post with 6 long rods like bolts. The ruder post is being hold by rudder post heel fitting so it will not come out unless one or the other breaks. The boat has to stand high on the blocks so you can slide the rudder post down. So ...

Look at this video I made for this purpose



previous post about the rudder problems http://www.voy.com/119861/3889.html

P.S. you might need to take of the prop as well maybe. Not sure about that though

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[> [> rudder removal -- HENRY, - Friday - 02/28/14 - 8:08pm

Ardi Thank you for the videos I have enjoyed all of the ones you have posted. My rudder has a hole in the wood about 3 inches under the waterline. It is about 1 inch deep by 2 inches wide and about 6 inches long. one of the fellows here in the marina reccomends filling the hole with an epoxy paste made for underwate use. The rest of the rudder appears to be solid.After seeing how the rudder is attached I will wait til after pullout before attempting more.

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[> [> [> dont use epoxy, where is the hole ? -- Ardi, - Friday - 02/28/14 - 10:20pm

is it at the back side of the rudder or else where ? If in the back side the teak cap has fallen off and since is deep , it means that the threaded end of the rod and the nut has corroded and fallen too. So just like me and the owner of "Waka Erie" you will need to replace them all before the rudder falls apart. About the hole , just put a teak cap and paint it with bottom paint, it will be fine. read the post, you'll find more info http://www.voy.com/119861/3889.html

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